Seth Meyers unpacks ‘really scary’ Fox interview with Trump and Portland police

“This is where we are,” summarized Seth Meyers in A Closer Look. “A president who dispatches the secret police to rally dissidents and refuses to accept the outcome of the democratic elections.”

To be fair to Donald Trump, he technically He has not refused to accept the result of the November presidential elections. Still. He just told Fox News’ Chris Wallace in a surreal interview over the weekend that he “would have to see” whether he would refuse to accept the result or not. (See? Hue.)

“Much of our democratic system is based on rules, and Trump simply destroys them all,” said Meyers. “For example, when Joe Biden opened a 15-point lead in new polls, Trump said Sunday that he would not necessarily accept the election result as legitimate, because voting by mail, something that Americans, including Trump himself, have been doing for a century and a half, it could somehow “manipulate” the elections. “

Meyers provided another example of those rules smashed into unidentified uniformed federal police in Portland, beating protesters and pushing people into unmarked cars, realizing Trump’s public admiration for authoritarian leaders. This prompted Meyers to recall the 2016 debates, where Trump defended and then redoubled himself by praising the Chinese government’s “strong” response to Tiananmen Square in 1989 to demonstrate it.

“The Tiananmen Square protests were peaceful student-led protests calling for democratic reforms,” ​​said Meyers. “But Trump sees any peaceful challenge to the status quo as a riot instigated by terrorists. This is how despots speak.”

“This guy is so detached from reality, everything in his yogurt brain is a Steven Seagal movie,” he continued, before dropping into Trump Voice. “‘Portland is Under siegeso i had to go About the law, make a Executive decision to send a Attack force, towards justice. ‘

“What we are seeing in cities across the country are peaceful protests against police brutality and systemic racism, demanding change to an unjust and oppressive system. But Trump is only capable of emulating the authoritarian despots he admires, who is exactly what he’s doing in Portland. “
