- Serena Williams and her daughter only played tennis while wearing matching outfits.
- Alexis Olympia Ohanian Jr., often called Olympia, wore a stunning purple training look, just like her mother.
- It would seem that tennis skills run in the family.
Tennis superstar Serena Williams has passed on her love of tennis to her young daughter, Olympia.
On her Instagram account, Williams posted a series of photos of her posing on the court playing tennis with her adorable daughter. She also shared a sweet video clip of the couple giving each other a crash.
In matching training gear, the mother and daughter seemed infinitely adorable, and it could mean that Olympia will follow in their mother’s footsteps.
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Olympia’s Instagram account also posted a snap from the tennis court, with mom and daughter wearing matching skirts over their purple leggings.
This content is imported from Instagram. You can find the same content in a different format, or you can find more information on their website.
Earlier this year, Williams posted a sweet photo of her sleeping daughter. The tennis legend captioned the photo: “I’m not sure who took this photo, but working and being a mom is not easy. I’m often exhausted, stressed out, and then I’m going to play a game of professional tennis. We keep going. I’m so proud and inspired by the women who do it day after day. I’m proud to be the mom of this baby @olympiaohanian. #nofilter #nomakeup #nohairbursh lol #justme “.
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Williams recently supported her husband, Alexis Ohanian, in her decision to resign from the Reddit board. In announcing her decision and urging Reddit to replace her with a black candidate, Ohanian wrote: “I must have done the right thing a long time ago. I am doing this for myself, my family, and my country.” He continued, “I am writing this as a father who needs to be able to answer his black daughter when she asks, ‘What did you do?'”
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