Senate votes to limit some transfers of military equipment to police departments

The votes, which were cast on competing amendments to the National Defense Authorization Act, came as the country grapples with how to reform police departments in the wake of the death of George Floyd at the hands of the Minneapolis police and corresponding protests across the country. that have highlighted concerns about the harsh practices of the heavily fortified police

The measure that was defeated was a bipartisan proposal by Republican Sens. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and Rand Paul of Kentucky, and Democratic Sensors Brian Schatz of Hawaii and Kamala Harris of California. It would have prohibited “the transfer of military equipment to law enforcement agencies, including tear gas, firearms and armor-piercing ammunition, bayonets, grenade and grenade launchers, combat vehicles and drones,” according to a summary of the amendment.

Needing 60 votes to pass, he failed a vote of 51 votes yes and 49 votes no. Two other Republicans voted in favor of the amendment: Senators Cory Gardner of Colorado and Steve Daines of Montana, who face tough reelection battles.

“Weapons of war do not belong to our local police departments and should never be used against the American people,” Schatz, the lead author of the measure, said in a statement. “As we see our communities transform into what looks more like a war zone, it is clear that we have to fix this. There is a growing bipartisan consensus that provides local military law enforcement equipment such as bayonets, grenade launchers, bullets piercing, and tear gas is immoral and does nothing to keep people safe. “

Republican Senator James Inhofe of Oklahoma, who chairs the Armed Services Committee, complained that the Schatz amendment went too far and would make it impossible for the transfer program, known as the 1033 program, to work.

“Since the program’s inception in 1990, more than $ 7 billion in vehicles, desks, boots, computers, and more has been responsibly recycled to local authorities. This is equipment that the military no longer needs, which these agencies They would buy anyway. The equipment is always demilitarized to make it appropriate for public security use, “Inhofe said on the floor. “For years, local law enforcement agencies have been asked to do more with less, and now that they face liberal calls to remove the police, we must continue this transparent and accountable program.”

An Inhofe spokeswoman said the Schatz amendment would have “added layers of bureaucracy that would essentially kill the ability to transfer equipment of any kind.”

She said Inhofe’s amendment places “limited limitations” on transfers and would prevent “armed tracking combat vehicles, armed drones, lethal grenades and bayonets” from going to police departments. Additionally, the amendment requires that any department that receives military equipment be trained to “respect the rights of citizens under the United States Constitution and reduce force.”

Inhofe’s amendment was adopted 90-10.

Once the Senate passes the NDAA, likely later this week, he will have to reconcile with his House counterpart before being sent to President Donald Trump, who has said he opposes the bill on a different issue related to the name change of military bases named for Confederate leaders.
