Senate GOP leaders lock Republican support for new stimulus plan after weeks of party divisions

Daily G.O.P. On conference calls, Senate Republicans are discussing their next steps and linking them to a new approach that amounts to $ 2.2 trillion in small pieces that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi offered the White House during their stalled talks. Sources on call. The White House has rejected the speaker’s price tag, below the નીચે 3 trillion bill Pelosi pushed by the House in May.

Senate G.O.P. The new goal, the sources said, is to ensure that there are .1 votes that clearly show that the clear majority of the chamber supports the scaled back approach. At the Senate’s urging in November, Republicans say the United Front will give them a strong hand to present to voters because many of their constituents are eager for a new phase of excitement and millions are still out of work.

But the plan would have no chance of becoming law due to strong opposition from Democrats, who say it is not excessive.

Nevertheless, Republicans are confident that they are moving closer to achieving the goal about the second phase of the stimulus a week later, according to Republican sources.

Massive Republicans revolted against the nearly ટ્ર 1 trillion proposal, unveiled by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell in late July, but Kentucky Republicans never put the plan forward for a vote. Now Republicans believe they can win the support of almost all of their 53 members for a half-spending plan.

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If Republicans manage to get the vote, the plan will fail because it will need the votes to win the Democratic filebuster.

On Sept. 30, when federal agencies pull out of new funding legislation in the absence of money, the second phase of the stimulus fight could turn into a fight to keep the government open.

With the Senate on the riser until next week, the new G.O.P. The exact timing of the vote on the plan is unclear. But top Republicans believe that once it becomes clear that there are votes1 votes, McConnell will take the necessary action to set a show-down vote to follow suit.

Senate only John Na Baraso, Senate G.O.P. The leader told reporters Tuesday morning that the Senate GOP, Republican senators plan to hold a procedural vote to plan a paid-down stimulus developed during the term met in August. He called the bill a “focused, targeted solution” and said: “This is the goal – to come back and vote to move forward.”

The Republican plan would include funding about 10 10 billion for the U.S. Postal Service – as well as 10 105 billion for schools and the expansion of small business loans under the Paycheck Protection Program. While Democrats have called for a નવી 600 a week renewal in laid-off benefits, Republicans are pushing for $ 300 a week for the unemployed.

On the eve of a convention with the House Democratic Caucus on Monday, Pelosi told its members that funding for state and local governments – which Democrats want to fund at about 1 1 trillion – was available, call sources said. . The speaker told her members that she did not think the White House wanted a deal that could become law.

After talking to White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows last week, Pelosi rejected the GOP’s approach.

“Democrats are united, but Republicans are in disarray,” Pelosi said in a letter to his colleagues. “Press reports say Mitch McConnell has reached billion 500 billion in his proposal, and Mark Meadows is saying that the White House will go to ૧ 1.3 trillion. Neither of these proposals will meet the needs of American workers and families. “

On Tuesday, Meadows also suggested that state and local aid is the biggest obstacle to the deal.

Meadows told CNBC that the speaker is still 15 915 billion, not just a number based on reality.

CNN’s Betsy Klein and Phil Mattingi contributed to this report.
