See how a pro base jumper with ‘Electric Wingsit’ climbs from the mountains.

Marvel character, Tony Stark, transforming into Iron Man and climbing aring in the sky over tall skyscrapers, a famous Ryan Strian was seen wearing not only a fictional suit but also a wing-suit. When flowing over the mountain tops.

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Peter Salzman, a professional skydiver and base jumper who also bids time to be a stuntman, sports scientist, paragliding instructor and tandempilot, is finally seen moving along the mountains and climbing trees before opening his parachute. Land back to Earth, which is exactly what it stands for.



However, long after achieving that, while traveling even faster in the air, Salzman achieved his dream with the German automobile Juggernaut BMW for which the company equipped him with electric suits made just for that purpose. .

According to Steve Schrader, writing for the drive – “Salzman teamed up with BMW i and BMW’s DesignWorks agency to create an electric-powered impeller that could fly longer than any winged-wearing base jumper.”

Wingsuit Base Jumping is a popular form of sport in which participants fly in the air using a wing seat that adds surface area to the person, giving them a significant increase in lift.

According to Electric, in contrast to the regular wingsuit which allows the base jumper to reach a speed of about 62 mph (100 km / h), the Salzman-equipped suite can accelerate it to 186 mph (300 km / h) Provides power.

The BMW Group said in a media statement that the innovative drive module as well as the completely redesigned wingsuit were developed in collaboration between BM Stria’s BMW I, design works and professional wingsuit pilot Peter Salzman.

Salzman n allows the electric motor impeller pack to stay close to his body without being too noisy or dirty, to further his stunt.

“It took three years to develop after paired 5-inch-wide carbon fiber promoters thought of an extra motor intended to lengthen a jump from Salzmann and one of its base jumping mentors.”

Each impeller spins at about 25,000 rpm and has an output of 15 kW. The pack runs on a 50-volt lithium battery and the whole pack weighs about 26 lbs. The pack is made of aluminum and carbon fiber to make it as light and comfortable as possible in flight, ”says Schrader.

Before conducting the flight, many packed prototypes were tested in the wind tunnel, before it was realized that the impeller needed to have an additional air inlet to feed it enough air.

Previously, the plan was for Salzam South to jump over a group of three skyscrapers in South Korea, while using an impeller to reach the height of the lower skyscrapers before climbing to the highest of the three, however, Salzman had to be tested in Austria. Due to the corona virus epidemic itself.

But with all the hard work paid off, BMW released a stunning video showing Salzman being dropped from a helicopter at a distance of 1,000 meters (3,000 feet) over a group of three mountains known as the Three Brothers in Australia.

According to a statement issued by the BMW Group,

“The stunning film, which will be seen for the first time in the #NxtGen 2020 race, not only on the road – impressively shows how BMW enables eDrive technology to bring lasting change to the experience of personal mobility.”

In the video, Salzman joins two other traditional wingsuit operators. Writing for interesting engineering, Lucia Papadoplos says – “All three go to the top of the mountain but the other wing operators are forced to fly around it.”

Salzman n on the other hand accelerates and clears the summit. This is a very impressive feat that needs to be seen to be believed. “