Security guards nominate Joe Biden for president: ‘He really saw me’ | American news

What would you do if you sat in the elevator for five minutes with the potential future president?

Security guard Jacquelyn Brittany (31) (whose last name is hidden at her request) almost lost the chance to say something when she accompanied Joe Biden last year with an elevator. Brittany, who works as a security guard for the New York Times, remained silent for most of the trip, but when asked by an aide she blurted out, ‘I love you, I do. You are like my favorite! ”

Biden was on his way to a meeting of New York Times editors and was trying to secure the paper’s approval. The paper did not appeal to him, but Brittany’s approval soon obscured that fact: the moment was captured in an episode of The Weekly and soon went viral.

On Tuesday, Brittany Biden was re-elected: she was the first person to nominate him for president during the Democratic National Convention.

“I take the very powerful people on my elevator,” Brittany said in a preliminary statement to the convention, which was held online this year because of the coronavirus pandemic.

‘When they leave, they go to their important meetings. My? I’m just going back to the lobby. But in the short time I spent with Joe Biden, I could tell that he really saw me, that he actually cared, that my life meant something to him, ‘she continued.

Her nomination turned out to be a nod to some of the key issues this election: the concerns of the middle and working class America, the Black Lives Matter movement and the coronavirus pandemic.

‘I knew even when he went to his important meeting that he would take my story there with him. That’s because Joe Biden has space in his heart for more than himself, ‘she said.

She ended by calling Biden her friend: ‘We have been a lot and have had difficult days ahead. But nominating someone like that to be in the White House is a good place to start. That’s why I’m nominating my friend Joe Biden as the next president of the United States, ‘she said.
