Senator Chuck Schumer Just tried his hand at a stand-up with one of the comedy grits, Jerry Seinfeld, And we’ll say … it’s not half bad !!!
Chuck was at the famous Gotham Come Come Medi Club in NYC on Sunday, where he and Jerry were chit-chatting a new bill, a New York senator wants to appear in Congress … which will help fund comedy clubs and live venues across the city. Floating.
While they were talking at the store, Schumer finally stepped into the funny side of things and told a long joke … which he got courtesy of his retired parents, who took a course in college ledge humor and told him.
We’ll let Chuck talk here, but the short story is long … It’s about a woman who comes before a judge for being a kleptomaniac – and who doesn’t get any love from her husband in the end.
You have to take care of yourself, ‘because it’s really fun … and Sen. Schumer has time and delivery. It’s also funny, Jerry turned to the connoisseurs in the room who might not have earned it before to explain the punchline. The whole thing is naughty.
Schumer: “Jerry Seinfeld said there are four levels of Come Medi. First, you make your friends laugh – I’m sort of at that level.”
Seinfeld: “U. That’s your level.”
Schumer: “Second, you make strangers laugh – none of them will laugh.”
– Hill (6 above) September 13, 2020
@ Thihil
In a self-deprecating fashion, Chuck joked that he was probably at the first level of Come Medie as Jerry pointed out in his own comment – but to be honest he sells himself short. Dude’s funny.
You’re at least level 2, SCS … maybe this could be your second act!