Sea-Spain clerk suggests it is ‘leaning’ to vote for Trump on media, ignoring Hunter Biden’s story

The C-Spain caller on Friday strongly suggested that it be “leaning” to vote for President Trump due to the lack of mainstream media coverage of the growing Hunter Biden controversy.

Pedro Achevaria, host of the Washington Washington Journal, accepted a call from a “indefinite” voter named Jimmy in Maine, who said he preferred Biden only on “medical” issues, but preferred Trump over “economy and foreign policy.” .

Jimmy then turned his attention to the issue surrounding Hunter Biden’s laptop, which he said was “splitting” his own family. He noted the lack of mainstream media coverage of the pre-discussion news conference given by former Hunter Biden business partner Tony Bobulinski.

“I saw all the stations. I did MSNBC, you guys watch, I watch Fox, I watch all, just trying to get a little bit of everything,” Jimmy said. “No one was taking this guy except Fox … he was theirs [Hunter Biden’s] Spouse.

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“And I thought to myself, ‘Well, they’ll cover it the other day …’ You know what Americans don’t like, Pedro? They don’t like hard decks, this could be Achilles’ heel.

When Achevaria admitted that outlets such as Fox News and the Wall Street Journal had “picked up the story” since the New York Post first ran reports on emails allegedly received from Hunter Biden’s laptop, Jimmy backtracked, saying “yes, but not.” “That’s it!”

“I mean you’ve got ABC, NBC, CBS, this is that main network and I’ve seen them this morning and I’m looking for them and I’m looking for them, and no one is paying attention to this!” Jimmy said. . “I just leaned towards B Biden, I just leaned towards Donald Trump.”

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Jimmy mocked Biden’s “just from Pennsylvania” person and reprimanded the former vice president for flip-flop on the freshener.

“Like 2025, will we be oil-free?” He said. He asked rhetorically. “It’s impossible!”