Scientists discover that blue vortex fire is made of three flames

A fire phenomenon, known as the blue vortex, can arise from fire tornadoes. This week, scientists reported new details about the structure of the mysterious clean-burning flame.

Why it matters: Researchers hope to one day use the blue shrinkage as a source of energy and clean up fuel waste. To do so, they need to understand the shape of the flame – and how it can be controlled.

Background: A team at the University of Maryland discovered the blue vortex in 2016 while testing the idea of ​​using fire vortices, products of intense heat and wind, to spill oil on water.

  • Fire vortices generate soot (though not as much as typical fires) – small particles of carbon produced when fuel is not completely burned and that gives a flame its yellow color.
  • In a lab, the vortices can turn into blue vortices, in which the fuel is completely burned and no soot is produced.

What they did: Joseph Chung, Xiao Zhang and their colleagues at the University of Maryland made a computer simulation of the blue whirl and compared it to video of the flame forming in the lab.

  • They found that the whirl consisted of “a diffusion flame and pre-mixed rich and lean flames – all coming together in a fourth structure, a triple flame appearing like a hot blue ring,” they write in Science Advances.
  • Blue whirls are not seen in nature. Why and under what conditions they can occur in nature are still open questions, Chung says.

What follows: “This is a first step in applying the blue vortex to a more practical application,” says Zhang. There are more questions, she adds, for example: if a larger blue whirl can be created so that it can burn more effectively (it is currently only a few inches in size) and whether it can burn faster.
