Scientists can alleviate pain from SARS-Cov-2 infection – Covid-19 spread can help explain

Lisa Bynan and Dr. Rajesh Khanna

Doctoral student Lisa Bynan prepares the buffer while Dr. Rajesh Khanna watches. Credit: University of Arizona Health Sciences, Chris Henning

Research show SARS-CoV-2 The receptor promotes pain relief by Neuropylene-1, which gives scientists a new target for non-io pioid pain therapeutics and provides a possible explanation for the uninterrupted spread. COVID-19.

According to a new study by researchers at the University of Rizo Health Sciences, SARS-COVID-2, COVID-19 virus that can relieve pain.

According to Rajesh Khanna, co-author of the study, according to Rajesh Khanna, a PhD professor at the College of Medicine and College of Medicine at Eurezone. That they are capable of spreading the disease. – Tucson’s Department of Pharmacology.

“It made me realize that maybe the reason for the continued proliferation of Covid-19 is that at an early stage, you’re just going around and there’s nothing wrong with your pain being suppressed,” said Dr. . .Khanna. “You have the virus, but you are not in pain, because your pain is gone. If we can prove that this pain relief is the one that spreads Covid-19 further, it is very valuable. “

An animated video of how SARS-Cove-2 reduces pain.

“The SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, VEGF-A / Neuropylene-1 receptor signals to induce analgesia,” the paper was recently published. Pen, Journal of the International Association for the Study of Pain.

U.S. Department of Disease Control and Prevention The centers released the updated data on September 10. It is estimated that 50% of COVD-19 transmission occurs before the onset of symptoms and 40% of COVD-19 infections are asymptomatic.

Michael DA, senior vice president of health sciences at Urizo, said the research suggests that as an early symptom of Covid-19, pain can be reduced by the SARS-Cov-2 spike protein, as it calms the body’s pain signaling pathways. Michael D., senior vice president of health sciences at Eurizo. Deck, MD. “Researchers at the Center for Comprehensive Pain and Addiction at the University of Arizona Health Sciences are taking advantage of this unique discovery to explore a novel class of therapeutic therapies for pain as we continue to find new ways to overcome the iodide epidemic.”

Dr. Rajesh Khanna explained how his team identified the SARS-Kovi-2 pain-relieving phenomenon.

The virus infects host cells through protein receptors on the cell membrane. Early in the epidemic, scientists established that the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein uses the angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) receptor to enter the body. But in June, two papers posted on the printprint server BioRaxive pointed to Neuropylene-1 as the second receptor for SARS-CoV-2.

Dr. who is associated with Health Sciences Comprehensive Pain in Eurizo. “This caught our eye because for the last 15 years my lab has been studying the complexes of proteins and pathways related to the pain processing of neuropylene downstream,” Khanna said. Member of the Addiction Center and the BIO5 organization of Eurezona. “So we floated back and realized that this could mean that maybe some kind of spike protein is involved in the pain process.”

Many biological pathways signal the body to experience pain. A vascular endothelial growth is caused by a protein called factor-A (VEGF-A), which plays an essential role in blood vessel growth, but is also associated with diseases such as cancer, arthritis and more recently Covid-19.

Like a lock key, when the VEGF-A receptor binds to neuropilin, it initiates a cascade of events as a result of the hyperexcitability of the neurons, leading to pain. Dr. Khanna and his research team found that the SARS-Co-2 spike protein binds neuropilin to the same location as VGF-A.

Here is a 3D rendering of Neuropilin with VEGF-A (left), spike protein (middle) and small molecular inhibitor (right) in the binding pocket:

With that knowledge, they conducted a series of experiments in laboratory and rat models to test their hypothesis that the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein VEGF-A / Neuropylene works on the pain pathway. They used VEGF-A as a trigger to induce neuron stimulation, which causes pain, then added the SARS-Covi-2 spike protein.

Dr. “The spike protein reversed the VEGF-induced pain signal completely,” Khanna said. “It doesn’t matter if we used a spike or a very low dose too much – it made the pain completely the opposite.”

Rajesh Khanna

New research shows that SARS-COVI-2 promotes pain relief when it infects cells through a common protein receptor, neuropilin-1. The findings give scientists a novel goal for non-io pioid pain therapeutics, while also providing explanations for the continued proliferation of COVID-19. Credit: University of Arizona Health Sciences, Chris Henning

Dr. Khanna is working closely with health science immunologists and virologists from Eurizo to continue research on the role of neuropilin in the spread of COVID-19.

In his lab, he will test neuropylene as a new target for opioid pain relief. During the study, Dr. Khanna tested existing small molecular neuropylene inhibitors developed to stem tumor growth in certain cancers and found that neuropylene provided pain relief similar to the SARS-Covy-2 spike protein when binding.

Dr. “We are moving forward with the formation of small molecules against neuropylene, especially natural compounds, which can be important for pain relief,” Khanna said. “We have an epidemic, and we have an opioid epidemic. They are colliding. Our findings have a huge impact for both. SARS-COVI-2 is teaching us about viral spread, but COVID-1US also wants neuropilin as a new non-ioPoid method of fighting the iodide epidemic. “

Reference: “SARS-Co-2 spike protein VEGF-A / neuropylene-1 receptor induces analgesia” by Moutel, ub bin; Martin, Laurent F .; Boinnon, Lisa; Gomez, Kimberly; Ran Ran, Dongzi; Xu, Yuan; Stratton, Harrison J .; That, song; Luo, Shizen; Gonzalez, Carrie Beth; Perez-Miller, Samantha; Patwardhan, Amol; Ibrahim, Mohab m. And Khanna, Rajesh, 1 October October 2020, Pain.
DOI: 10.1097 / j.pain.000000000000002097

The co-authors on the paper of the Department of Pharmacology are: ub bin Mautal, PhD; Lisa Bynan; Kimberly Gomez, PhD; Dongzi Ran, PhD; Yuan Xu; Harrison Stratton, PhD; Song Kai, PhD; Shizen Luo; Carrie Beth Gonzalez; And Samantha Perez-Miller, Ph.D. Additional co-authors with the Comprehensive Pain and Addiction Center are the co-authors of the Department of Anesthesiology, PhD MD, MD Amol Patwardhan and PhD, Mohab Ibrahim.

This research has been awarded by the National Institute for Neurological Disorders and Stroke, a unit of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), under award number NS 098772; And the National Institute on Drug Abuse, NIH unit under award number DA042852, too.