Scientists are fascinated by strange dinosaurs

About 110 million years ago, on the shores of an ancient lagoon in what is now eastern Brazil, two-legged, chicken-sized Cretaceous period dinosaurs make a living prey of insects and perhaps small vertebrates such as frogs and lizards.

Inside a skeleton similar to many small dinosaurs from previous Jurassic periods, it was normal, scientists said Tuesday. Outside, it was anything.

These dinosaurs, called Ubirajara Jubatas, Had a mash of hair-like structures, while also boasting two very unique, hard, ribbon-like features made of keratin – the same substance that makes hair and nails – protrude from his shoulders.

“There are a lot of exotic dinosaurs out there, but this is the opposite of any of them,” said David Martil, a professor of paleobiology at the University of Portsmouth in England, who helped lead the study, which was published in the journal Cretaceous Research.

Ubirajara’s hair-like structures appear to be the earliest forms of feathers known as protophytes. This is not real hair, the only mammal feature. Many dinosaurs had feathers. In fact, birds evolved from small feathered dinosaurs about 150 years ago.

“Probably from a distance he looked furry instead of feathery,” Martil said. “It may have had hair-like protophytes on most of its body, but it is preserved only by its neck, back and arms. The people on his back are very tall and give him a kind of believer that is unique to dinosaurs. “

Martil added that Ubirajara’s ribbon-like creations could be used for displays, possibly to attract mating or to intimidate enemies or in inter-male competitions. Think about the peacock’s extended tail feathers – Martil leads the “educated guess” that this Ubirajara man was male – such performances are often performed by male animals.

“The shoulder strap isn’t like something I’ve never seen in nature before,” Martell said.

While it is impossible to know from the fossil record – which arrived at a museum in Sierra Leone in the early 1990s, ScienceNews reports – Martil said Ubirajara could be colored.

He added, “I bet it was.”

Guardian staff contributed to this report