Samsung officially confirmed that its latest midrange phone has a fairly large 7,000 mAh battery, opening the preview for the Galaxy M51 in Germany. Its price is .0 360.01 (about 9429), and Samsung’s site says it expects the phone to start shipping from September 11th. There is no indication of preorder pages at Samsung’s other regional stores yet, but a release in India is likely. It looks like Samsung The phone rang there last week.
At 7,000 mAh, it’s not the largest phone battery I’ve ever seen. Last year, for example, Avenir Telecom unveiled the Ener Rizer-branded smartphone with a bulbus 18,000 mAh battery. But it’s almost unheard of in devices from mass-market manufacturers like Samsung, and we’ll be careful to see what effect it has on the overall size and weight of the handset when it’s released.
Aside from its battery, the Galaxy M5 has a more typical set of specs for its priced phones. It has a 6.7-inch OLED screen with a central hole-punch excellent for a 32-megapixel selfie camera. On the back are four rear-facing cameras, a 64-megapixel main camera, a 12-megapixel ultraviolet with a 123-degree field view, and a 5-megapixel macro and depth-sensing camera. It has 6GB of RAM, 128GB of internal storage, and Samsung says it is powered by an “octa-core processor”, which GSMArena The notes are believed to be the Snapdragon 730.
At 60 360.01, the Galaxy M51 has a very similar price to the Galaxy A51 in Germany, but it looks like it might be a better option if you need a full battery life every hour.