A few weeks ago, we got our first leaked benchmark of the Samsung Galaxy S21 Plus. Now the Vanilla Galaxy S21 has also appeared on GeekBench with similar results, as you would expect two handsets to use the same core Snapdragon 888 chipset.
The phone sports the SM-G991U model number and runs on the LaHina chipset, with a score of 1,075 in single-core tests and 2,916 in multi-core. It is slightly weaker than the scores for the S21 Plus which achieved 1,120 and 3,319 in two tests, but only in the normal period of error for the same chipsets tested in different circumstances (see the series of Samsung Galaxy S20 scores for proof only).
While these are solid figures that provide a smooth Android experience, the bad news is that Qualcomm’s 5nm Snapdragon 888 SoC has done enough to close the gap with the Apal A14 that powers the iPhone 12, the core and multi-core geekbench score 1,593 and 3,859, respectively.
But it’s important to note that the benchmark doesn’t tell the whole story – especially for new chipsets like the Snapdragon 888, which was officially unveiled just three days ago. There will be plenty of behind-the-scenes optimization to make sure the new chip performs as well as possible before the S21’s rumored January release date. And even if this is really as good as it gets, Snapdragon 888 – some major improvements in photography, AI and gaming, that won’t be taken up by the GeekBench exam. It only measures the speed of calculation.
Still, that makes the second subplot of the release of the Samsung Galaxy S21 a little more interesting: where does this leave the Exynos 2100 powered devices? In recent years, U.S. The Galaxy S and Note devices purchased in have used Qualcomm Snapdragon chips, while those purchased elsewhere have Samsung’s own Exynos. Generally speaking, Exynos chips remain visually slow when tested side by side, when there is no slouch.
This year, though, it looks like the gap is closing a bit. The previously leaked benchmark of the Exynos 2100 featured GeekBench with 5 scores of 1,040 and 3,107 – very close to the S21 scores out there.
We’ll have to see if this display holds for both versions of the handset when it launches in early 2021. While we expect a normal iteration from the S20 to the S21, the actual action is going to happen with the S21 Ultra model. , Which is due to the LTPO display, two optical zoom lenses and possible S Pen support.