S.N.L. Host Bill Bure raises eyebrows with jokes about culture, canceled movement, gay movement, gay pride

Bill Burre kicked her Saturday Night Live The debut showcases its non-politically appropriate stand-up style and will raise eyebrows. He started by honoring the anti-soil masseur’s decision not to cover up during the COVID-19 epidemic.

He said, “I don’t judge you that it’s your decision, there are a lot of people. “If you dumb it down and you want to kill your own family members, do it, it stops producing you.”

His enjoyment of anti-masks came when he noticed that the mask-up S.N.L. Audience members reminded him of the creations. But for those who have chosen not to follow the CDC recommendations, Burr’s inauguration was not the only goal of the loneliness. Comedian Canceled Culture, Awakened Culture and Gay Pride took the month.

He took a swipe at the cancellation culture and its far-reaching impact, “referring to John Wayne,” they’re literally running out of PPL to cancel, they’re now running after the dead. “

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“It’s just like the people who were born in 1907 sounded like these people. Have you ever talked to your grandparents and brought up the wrong topic? Bure joked.

She then expanded on her loneliness about social awareness to talk about awakened culture and how white women have co-operated with the movement.

“It should be about people of color. Somehow white women hang their Gucci legs on the fence of oppression and hang themselves right in front of the line.”

He stopped saying his loneliness by asking a hesitant audience why Gay Pride stays in the month, suggesting that black people “who were really slaves” deserve more than just February.

“These equatorial people give them sun for 31 days. There are gay black people, they can celebrate from June 1, June 31 … give them 61 days to celebrate, ”he said.

Saturday’s monologue immediately started trending on Twitter and garnered various, divided reactions on social media. You can see it above.