The number of fatalities in traffic accidents with a taxi has increased in Russia


The number of fatalities in traffic accidents with a taxi has increased in Russia

The number of fatalities in traffic accidents with a taxi has increased in Russia

The head of the Russian traffic police, Mikhail Chernikov, noted an increase in deaths in traffic accidents with taxis. RIA Novosti, 03.04.2021

2021-04-03T14: 43

2021-04-03T14: 43

2021-04-03T22: 11


Mikhail Chernikov


traffic police of the Ministry of the Interior of the Russian Federation


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MOSCOW, April 3 – RIA Novosti. The head of the Russian State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, Mikhail Chernikov, noted an increase in mortality in taxi accidents. “In terms of taxi-related issues, our accidents overall remained at the 2019-2020 level, based on the statistics that we have now. But unfortunately, the fatality rate in service provision is growing. passengers are dying, “Chernikov said on the TV channel Russia 24. According to him, during the year, the number of deaths in traffic accidents with taxis increased by 20% and here the department should pay attention to the organization of the taxi and to the level of professionalism of the taxi drivers.


RIA Novosti

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RIA Novosti

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RIA Novosti

[email protected]

7 495 645-6601

FSUE MIA “Russia today”

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RIA Novosti

[email protected]

7 495 645-6601

FSUE MIA “Russia today”

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russia, mikhail chernikov, auto, traffic police of the interior ministry of the russian federation, society
