Comrades reported that Navalny lost 8 kg of weight in the colony :: Politics :: RBK


Photo: Andrey Lyubimov / RBC

Photo: Andrey Lyubimov / RBC

After entering a colony in the Vladimir region, Alexei Navalny, who went on a hunger strike, lost 8 kg. This was reported on his Twitter page. Navalny was transported in late February.

“All prisoners on hunger strike are supposed to be weighed. According to the documents to the colony, he (Navalny. – RBK) 93 kg arrived, now 85. That is, 8 kg even before the hunger strike, ”he said in a message posted on the opposition’s social networks.

Navalny associates the weight loss with the fact that he is not allowed to sleep and is woken up every hour at night. He calls it a form of torture.

Navalny went on a hunger strike

Alexey Navalny

Navalny previously went on a hunger strike due to being denied medical assistance. The opponent complained of pain in his back and leg. In turn, the Federal Prison Service of the Vladimir Region said that Navalny is receiving all necessary medical assistance “in accordance with his current medical indications.”
