Rose McGowan accuses Alyssa Milano of making Charmed set “toxic”

Earlier Charmed stars Rose McGowan and Alyssa Milano trotted out on Twitter this weekend as agreements on American politics allowed the former to be the last accused of making the set of the supernatural drama “Toxic AF”.

Milano is a big supporter of the Democrats, so when McGowan accused the party of having “achieved nothing”, Milano responded with a long list of things the Democrats had done, which they ended up addressing with their former co-star.

“Rose and anyone who exposes the same ‘dEmOcRaTs DON’T HELP PEOPLE’ nonsense, your lies will give people less privilege than you,” she wrote. “It’s the kind of thing that a CURRENT fraud would do. Thousands of people die every day, but you keep going with your hyperbolic attention in search of tweets.”

alyssa milano, rose mcgowan, holly marie kammen

Alyssa Milano, Rose McGowan and Holly Marie Combs in Charmed

Spelling / Kobal / REX / Shutterstock

Related: Charmed‘S Alyssa Milano feels ‘disrespected’ by the reboot

In response, McGowan tweeted: “1) You stole #metoo (a brilliant means of communication, not movement) by Tarana. You co-opted my movement, the Cultural Reset, for fame, jealous of me for dating my rapist. You make up 250k a week Charmed.

“2) You threw a fit for the crew and wrote, ‘They don’t pay me enough to do this shit!’ Terrible behavior on a daily basis. I yelled every time we were updated because you made that toxic AF. Now, get off my coats, you f ** king fraud. “

McGowan also re-shared an interview she did a few years back, in which she claimed that Milano was “a liar”, and quote-tweeted a fan who stated that they were blocked by Milano, adding that the same thing happened to them.

alyssa milano

Rich FuryGetty Images

In response, Milano tweeted: “Further comment does not match my wellness plan.”

She went on to say: “Do you think we can get #AlyssaMilanoIsALie to trend number 1 before I go to sleep?

“Everyone who says sweet things – I see you. Thank you. Everyone who says horrible things – I see you. F ** k off.

“Hurt people Hurt people. Promoted people support people. Love people love people.”

We would not expect a reunion soon.

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