“Roman rulers are the leader” – Drui I Contire praises opponent ahead of Titanic Survivor Series

WWE Champion Drew McIntyre will face Universal Champion Roman Reagans in the main event of the Survivor Series on Sunday. This match determines the supremacy of the brand and establishes the winner as WWE’s ‘Top Guy’.

The Roman Reigns have been at the top of the mountain for a long time, while the MI container is ready to take the place away. But before doing so, he understands what is at stake.

In a recent interview with Sports Illustrated, Drew M. Kinter spoke about how Raines has been a top person because of his own credibility. “Roman has been a man in WWE for many years,” McIntyre said. “There is something special about his presence. He’s phenomenal in the ring, he’s leading in the ring and he’s reached this level for a reason. “

However, I am doing everything possible to establish the supremacy of the container brand as well as their name at the top.

“I put it to work, and I will continue to do it. When you think of WWE, you think of Roman rule. I want people to think of Dru Mintair, and they’re going after Survivor Series. “

Drew McIntyre at WWE Live
SINGAPORE – June 27: Drew Me Contire entered the ring during DWWE Live Singapore on June 27, 2019 in Singapore. (Photo by Suhimi Abdullah / Getty Images for Singapore Sports Hub)

The Roman regime insulted Rowe and Drew I Contire on SmackDown

Last week at the Smkkadown, Drew Mu Kinteyer fell and did royal politics. However, Raings turned it around and said that now the smckdown is “showing the row,” not thanks to Rhine, as no one sees the raw now.

Ever since the Rhine returned, people have forgotten about McIntyre. The Scottish psychopath said he would win the RAWWE Championship and beat the Rains in the Survivor Series. Now that the first part of the claim is over, we have to see if the next claim is true or not.

I Kinter said, “I like to represent Ro. It’s the show that I grew up watching and the one that defines wrestling. Roman and Paul can think whatever they want, but just know that I like to prove people wrong. “

What do you think will be the result of Roman rule against Drui Conte? Let us know in the comments below.