Rocket League will not receive meaningful updates on the PS5, unlike the Xbox Series X.

Rocket League PS4 PlayStation 4

If in doubt, Rocket League is playable on the PlayStation 5. You’ll be able to play the popular free-to-play title on PS5 through backwards compatibility, and with your Epic Games account, through your Rocket Pass progress and inventory. Will carry. Developer Cyanonics has also taken the time to outline how the game will perform on the next-gen console, and it’s the micros.ft machines that are attracting attention.

On the Xbox Series X, the game will run at 60 frames-per-second at 4 frames at launch, an update a year later that will introduce a 120fps mode in one resolution. On the Series S, the game runs at 1080p60, while a future update will allow it to run at 120fps as well. Meanwhile, on the PS5, the Rocket League will run on Checkerboard 4K and 60fps – which is similar to the PS4 Pro – and according to the blog post, there will be no updates coming later.

The game is already running great, and will continue to do this on the PS5, but unfortunately, you will lose the 120fps mode that the Xbox series console will get you. It is not clear whether Sony’s console will receive this update at a later date. We’ve tried to get an answer, and we’ll update you if we learn more.

Can you play Rocket League on PS5? The comments section below saves some of the epic.
