The umbrella academy Star Robert Sheehan revealed that he “hit himself” while filming season two, as he felt he had not made his character “different enough.”
The actor returns as Klaus Hargreeves in the new batch of Netflix episodes, although while chatting with Digital spyHe admitted that he felt a little self-conscious about his performance.
“I was concerned, because Klaus spends a lot of time in the past,” explained Robert. “Arguably most things happen to him. He is there the longest before the show starts in ’63.
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“I wanted the audience, when they first saw it, to say, ‘Wait, is this the same person?’ But obviously having the type of Klaus elements.
“I hit myself a little bit because the first two or three months, I thought, ‘No, I haven’t done it differently enough. I haven’t done it differently enough. I’ve fallen back on a kind of bike-riding intuition. to interpret it. Have I evolved it enough? “
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However, Sheehan revealed that while doing ADR (additional dialogue recording), she saw some snippets from the first few episodes, remembering, “And I said, ‘Oh no.’ Actually, I was quite satisfied.
“So I felt pretty happy. But that was my challenge. It all happened inside my own head, you know? As it usually is.”
Before his debut later this week, The umbrella academy the second season has achieved a near perfect score on Rotten Tomatoes.
The umbrella academy Season 2 arrives on Friday, July 31 on Netflix.
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