Rip. Nunes: If Republicans take the House back in 2022, they could face “pressure” to impeach Biden.

California Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., Believes Republicans could face pressure to impeach President Biden if the party gains control of the House in mid-2022.

After January 6, the U.S. The Capitol riots saw former President Donald Trump removed from social media platforms and parlor shutdowns – a popular platform among Trump supporters.

If some social media platforms come back, it could allow Republicans to get “good information” from voters and help the party reclaim the House, the results of which could be significant, Nunes told Sean Hannity on Wednesday night.

Photo by Andre Herrer / Bridge / AFP by Getty Images

Photo by Andre Herrer / Bridge / AFP by Getty Images

“If we start getting better information to the American people, Republicans have a better chance of taking the House in 2022,” Nunes said.

“Now, if that happens, and let’s go – for example, we don’t know what’s going to happen to Hunter Biden’s laptop. We don’t know what’s going to happen with Durham’s investigation. But I can see that the pressure will be great for him. We really have Biden’s impeachment.” Have to do, ”Nunes added.

Nunes insisted he did not want to impeach the current president, but that “you will have people who will say so.” The congressional president has not clarified what charges the president may face.

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Republicans will enter by mid-2022 with a slim minority, which needs to overturn just seven seats – perhaps the smallest task given the number of seats the party turned over in 2020.

Leader of the House Minority Rep. Kevin Markcarthy, R-Calif., Said the party gained massively when it reversed 12 seats in November. Democrats had projected a majority of their votes in 2020, but that did not happen.

The strong performance of 2020 puts Republicans in a position to reap the same benefits in mid-2022, according to polling station Five Thirty-Eight: historically, the current presidential party has lost an average of 27 House seats in the midterm elections, the site reports.

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The campaign hand for the House Republicans will currently highlight 47 of the 47 seats they consider “weak Democrats” that they will win in the 204 midterm elections. Sees as “prime pick-up opportunities”.