Riot Games has announced major changes to Valorant’s Competitive mode prior to Act 2, along with some significant rank improvements.
In an official blog post, Riot revealed that in the future, his ninth best act wins along with total earnings will determine his ‘Act Rank’.
Basically, if you’re in Diamond but end up going down to Gold, you’ll still be listed as Diamond for your Act rank, as long as you have Diamond for a minimum of nine wins.
His act rank will now also be a badge on his player card, while his “proven ability” will be his ninth highest ranked spot in the act.

A mock-up of what your act range will look like.
What is the rank of law?
“As you play, your act range is filled with smaller triangles. Each triangle represents his matched wins (Gold, Diamond, etc.) over the course of an Act based on the rank he entered the game with, ”explained Riot Senior Producer Ian ‘Brighteyz’ Fielding.
Wins at the higher levels will eventually eliminate those of lower rank, with the limit changing at the thresholds of 9, 25, 50, 75 and 100 wins.
Act 2 will also present an Act Rank badge based on their the nine ranked wins.

His Act Rank badge is based on his 9 best wins.
What happens at the end of a law?
Finally, Riot delved into what will happen when a law concludes. For one thing, your Act rank will be saved in your career tab along with all Act One competitive data.
Players will now return to the shortened locations – they will need three games to complete instead of five. These locations will reference your MMR from the previous event.
Also, your rank will be a “conservative location” from where the game believes it can compete.
“Generally, your match rank will land a couple of levels below where the previous Act ended, but we will increase the importance of performance in your early games so that you can quickly improve your match range if you play well and win.”
Placement games will have no impact on earning your rank.
Valorant Act One will conclude on August 4, 2020.