Ric Flair reveals WWE’s big missed opportunity with Roman Reigns

  • Do you agree with what Nature Boy said about Roman Reigns?
  • Ric Flair also surprisingly praised one of the worst games in Roman Reigns’ career.


Modified 06 Jul 2020, 09:22 IST

Roman Reigns and Ric Flair.“/>
Roman Reigns and Ric Flair.

Ric Flair recently spoke to Metro, and the 2-time WWE Hall of Fame member revealed his thoughts on how WWE should have booked Roman Reigns after The Big Dog defeated The Undertaker at WrestleMania 33.

Roman Reigns was the most hated man in professional wrestling after retiring from The Undertaker at WrestleMania 33. While retirement, as we all know, didn’t last long, Roman Reigns was involved in one of the hottest post-Mania RAW segments in history. Reigns came out and was booed and booed for 17 minutes straight before he uttered the words ‘This is my yard now’ and left the ring.

Ric Flair highlights WWE missed opportunity with Roman Reigns

Ric Flair stated that WWE did not do enough to capitalize on the nuclear heat that was directed towards Roman Reigns. A heel twist would have been ideal, but even a more attitude Roman Reigns would have been better than the clean baby face that pushed him into company.

Flair explained that she would have ridden in the heat forever if she had been at Reigns’ place that night on RAW.

Ric Flair also said he considered Roman Reigns’ WrestleMania match against The Undertaker to be a “great match”. The WrestleMania 33 main event is often ruined as a troublesome affair and one of the worst games in Reigns’ career, but Flair felt that a single failure should not undermine the overall quality of the fight.

“When [The Undertaker] He picked up his things, put them in the center of the ring and left, the next day on RAW, Roman couldn’t speak! I thought to myself, ‘Man, I’ve been to a lot of things in my life, but if I had that tag brother, I could have ridden that forever.’ I do not know what happened! But that was the most popular label in business history! That did the thing with Brock [Lesnar] hitting him pale, in terms of emotion! “

“Actually, I thought he and Roman had a great game! A little loot like that keeps playing over and over. A little botch, if you’re a perfectionist guy like [The Undertaker] is that it will bother you. A little mistake, okay? It can be caused by various reasons, it can be a time problem. That was still a great game! “

The Undertaker was also not a fan of their WrestleMania 33 match, which was originally supposed to be their swan song. Undertaker struggled a few more times since that match again, and finally announced his retirement recently in the latest episode of Last Ride Docuseries.

As for Ric Flair, the Nature Boy has been featured a lot on RAW these days as the spokesman for Randy Orton, and we also know WWE’s reason for having him on television despite the COVID-19 risk.

Posted Jul 06 2020, 09:22 IST

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