Researchers have found that large-scale extinction is due to asteroid effects and large-scale volcanic eruptions.
According to a new analysis published in the journal, large-scale extinctions of land-colonial animals – including amphibians, reptiles, mammals and birds – together with previously reported mass extinctions of marine life. .Historical Biology.
Studies have also shown that this mass extinction is linked to asteroid effects and destructive volcanic eruptions of lava called flood-basalt eruptions – providing possible reasons for this extinction.
“It looks like the massive effects of large bodies and the pulses of inner Earth’s activity that created the flood-basalt volcano could lead to a 27-million-year-old drumbeat, similar to the extinction, probably triggered by our orbit in the galaxy,” said Michael Rampino. , A professor New York UniversityDepartment of Biology and lead author of the study.
As a result of the catastrophic collision of a giant asteroid or a comet with the Earth, 70 percent of all species on land and at sea, including dinosaurs, suddenly became extinct 60 million years ago. Subsequently, paleontologists discovered that such a large extinction of marine life, in which 90% of species have disappeared, is not a random event, but appears to have occurred in a 26-million-year cycle.
In them .Historical Biology The study, by Rampino and co-authors Ken Ken Caldeira of the Carnegie Institution of Science and Yuanggang Zhou of the Center for Data Science at NYU, examined records of large-scale extinction of land-dwelling animals and concluded that they are associated with marine life. They also performed a new statistical analysis of the extinction of land species and showed that these events follow a similar cycle of about 27.5 million years.
What could be the reason for the periodic large-scale extinction of land and sea? Mass extinction is not just an event that occurs in cycles: the age of impact craters – created by asteroids and comets collapsing on the Earth’s surface – but also follows a cycle aligned with the extinction cycle.
Astrophysicists estimate that periodic comet precipitation occurs in the solar system every 26 to 30 million years, producing cyclonic effects and periodic mass extinctions. Cycle the sun and planets through the crowded mid-plane Milk Ganga Galaxies every 30 million years. During that time, comet rain is possible, causing a major impact on Earth. Influences can create conditions that will stress and potentially cut off land and marine life, including widespread black and cold, wildfires, Acid Rainfall, and ozone depletion.
“These new findings of uniform, sudden mass extinctions on land and in the oceans, and the cycles of ૨ 27 to ૨ 27 million years in general, support the notion of periodic global catastrophic events due to extinction,” he said. Rampino. “In fact, the three mass extinctions of species on land and at sea are known to have occurred at the same time as the three greatest influences of the previous 250 million years, each capable of causing global extinction and resulting in mass extinction. ”
Researchers were surprised to find possible explanations other than for massive extinction asteroids: flood-basalt eruptions, or massive volcanic eruptions covering large areas with lava. All aggregate aggregates matching the time of flood-basalt eruption on land and in the oceans. These eruptions would also have created severe conditions for life, including severe cold, acid rain and ozone depletion and increased radiation; Long-term, outbreaks can lead to deadly greenhouse heat and more acid and less oxygen in the ocean.
“The global mass extinction was apparently caused by the biggest catastrophic effects and massive volcanoes, probably sometimes working in concert,” Rampino added.
Ref: 11 December 2020, .Historical Biology.
DOI: 10.1080 / 08912963.2020.1849178