Researchers develop molecules to store solar energy

Researchers develop molecules to store solar energy

Bo Durbiz and his group use advanced computer simulations of chemical reactions, performed at the National Supercomputer Computer, NSC, in Linksping.

Researchers at the University of Linkoping in Sweden have developed a molecule that absorbs energy from sunlight and stores it in a chemical bond. The potential long-term use of the atom is to effectively obtain solar energy and store it for later use. Current results have been published Journal of the American Chemical Society (JACS).

We humans can use many times more than the earth receives from the sun. This solar energy is absorbed by solar energy energy facilities, but one of the challenges of solar energy is to store it efficiently, such as getting energy energy when the sun is not shining. This led scientists at Linking University to investigate the possibility of obtaining and storing solar energy in new molecules.

“Our atom can take two different forms: a parent form that can absorb energy from sunlight, and an alternative form in which the structure of the parent form has changed and more energy can be enriched while remaining stable. This makes it. It is possible to efficiently store energy in molecules in sunlight, “says Bo Durbij, president of the Department of Computational Physics at Lynxping University’s Department of Physics, Chemistry and Biology and head of studies.

The molecule belongs to a group called “molecular photowitches”. These are always available in two different forms, isomers, which differ in their chemical composition. The two forms have different properties, and in the case of molecules developed by Liu researchers, the difference is in the energy content. The chemical composition of all photovichs is influenced by light energy rays. This means that the composition of the photovitch, and its properties, can be changed by publishing it. One potential area of ​​application for photovich is molecular electronics, in which two forms of atom have different electrical conductivity. The second field is photopharmacology, in which one form of the molecule is pharmacologically active and can bind to a specific target protein in the body, while the other form is inactive.

It is common in research that experiments are performed first and the theoretical work then confirms the experimental results, but in this case the process was reversed. Bo Durbiz and his group work in theoretical chemistry, and conduct calculations and similarities of chemical reactions. This includes advanced computer simulation, which is performed on a supercomputer at the National Supercomputer Computer, NSC in Linksping. Calculations show that the molecule that the researchers developed will undergo the required chemical reaction, and that it will happen very quickly, within 200 femtoseconds. His colleagues at the Hungarian Research Center for Natural Sciences were then able to build the atom, and perform experiments that confirmed the theoretical predictions.

In order to store large amounts of solar energy in molecules, researchers have tried to differentiate between two isomers as large as possible. The basic form of their molecule is extremely stable, a property that is indicated within organic chemistry by saying that the molecule is “fragrant”. The basic molecule has three rings, each of which is fragrant. When it absorbs light, however, the odor is lost, as the atom becomes more energy-rich. Ltd. The researchers showed in their study, which is published Journal of the American Chemical Society, That the concept of switching between aromatic and non-aromatic states of a molecule has great potential in the field of nuclear photovoltaics.

“Most chemical reactions start in a state where an atom has a high energy radius and then it passes with a low energy radius. Here, we do the opposite – an atom that has a low energy radius becomes a high energy radius. We expect That is difficult. Bo, but we have shown that it is possible to take such a reaction quickly and effectively, “says Bo Durbij.

Researchers will now examine how stored energy can best be released from the energy-rich form of nuclear energy.

Researchers have found a way to use the entire spectrum of sunlight

More info:
Baswant ru Ruganti et al, Changes in Photomendus Facilitate Electrocyclization of Dithyanylbenzene Switches in Aromaticity, Journal of the American Chemical Society (2020). DOI: 10.1021 / jx.0c06327

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Testimonial: Researchers develop atom to store solar energy (2020, 31 August Gust) Retrieved 31 August Gust 2020

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