Republicans openly defy Trump’s tweet about delaying elections

It was the latest example from the president making inflammatory comments on Twitter, and putting Republicans in an awkward place to deal with the consequences.

Senate Judiciary President Lindsey Graham, a Republican from South Carolina and Trump’s ally, told CNN when asked about the president’s call to delay the election: “I don’t think it’s a particularly good idea.”

Republican Senator Whip John Thune, a member of the Republican leadership, told CNN that there will be elections in November despite the president’s tweet.

“I think that is probably a statement that gets the press’s attention, but I doubt that it will receive any serious traction,” Thune said.

“I think we have had elections every November since about 1788, and I hope that will be the case again this year,” he said.

Earlier Thursday, Trump tweeted: “With universal mail voting (not absentee voting, which is good), 2020 will be the most INACTIVE and FRAUDULENT election in history. It will be a great shame for the United States. the election even people can vote properly, safely and securely ??? “

CNN has previously verified Trump’s claims that there is a distinction between mail voting and absentee voting, and experts say those voting systems are essentially the same. Nor is there widespread fraud in the US election.

The president also does not have the power to change the date of the election. Election day is established by statute of Congress, and most experts agree that it cannot be changed without the approval of Congress.

Despite the president’s lack of authority, his message offers an opening, long feared by Democrats, that he and his supporters could refuse to accept the results of the presidential election.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, a California Democrat, responded to the president with a tweet of her own quote from Article II, Section 1 of the Constitution, which gives Congress the authority to “determine when to choose to the voters and the day they will cast their vote. ”

Republican Rep. Adam Kinzinger of Illinois echoed that idea, tweeting: “Reminder: Election dates are set by Congress. And I will oppose any attempt to delay the # 2020 election.”

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy of California dismissed Trump’s call to delay the election, but defended the president’s concerns about election fraud.

“We have never had an election in the history of federal elections and we should go ahead with our election,” McCarthy said, “in no way should we hold our election on the day we do.”

Republican Senator Thom Tillis, who faces a tough re-election battle in North Carolina, said Thursday: “Elections are going to happen in November.”

“The elections will be held in November. Absentee voting in North Carolina is highly encouraged, just as the president encouraged it. The safe side of a vote by mail, I hope we get it primarily … because of what On the contrary they ‘are going to undermine the integrity of the elections, “he said.

Texas Republican Senator Ted Cruz said: “Election fraud is a serious problem, we have to stop it and fight it, but no, the elections should not be delayed.”

Republican Senator Marco Rubio of Florida said of Trump’s tweet: “I wish he hadn’t said it, but it’s not going to change: We are going to have elections in November and people should have confidence in it.”

Senate Finance Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley of Iowa played down the president’s remarks and said, “All I can say is that no matter what a person in this country says, we are still a country based on the rule of law. And we must follow the law until the Constitution is modified or until the law is modified. “

Republican Senator John Barrasso of Wyoming said in an interview on Fox Business: “No, we are not going to delay the election,” adding: “We are going to complete the election and the vote before Election Day.”

Republican Representative Dusty Johnson of South Dakota expressed concern in a tweet that any delay would harm the legitimacy of the election.

“The move on Election Day would seriously jeopardize the legitimacy of the election. Federal, state and local officials must continue to work hard to ensure that Americans can vote safely, either by voting early or on November 3.” he tweeted.

Not all Hill Republicans, including members of the leadership, have either intervened in the President’s call or rejected the President.

“Without answering any questions,” said Senator Joni Ernst, an Iowa Republican who also faces voters in a difficult race, when asked about Trump’s tweet.

This story has been updated with an additional reaction on Thursday.

CNN’s Lauren Fox, Ali Zaslav, Michael Warren and Kevin Liptak contributed to this report.
