Republican senators push for stimulus controls on nearly 2 million excluded Americans

Two Senate Republicans are pushing to extend stimulus controls in the next coronavirus relief package to nearly 2 million Americans who were excluded from the initial round.

Sens. Marco RubioSenators Marco Antonio RubioGOP press for stimulus controls to be carried out on almost 2 million people that the VOA visa decision of excluded Americans could hinder Venezuela’s coverage The Senate GOP criticizes the coronavirus package until next week MORE (Fla.) And Thom TillisThomas (Thom) Roland TillisBloomberg’s gun control group spends M on campaigns in eight changing states. Planned Parenthood launches a six-figure ad campaign criticizing vulnerable Republican senators on COVID-19. (NC) wants to make sure that US citizens married to foreign citizens without a Social Security number receive the same direct payments of $ 1,200 that tens of millions of other Americans received earlier this year.

By order of the White House, that group of approximately 1.7 million Americans was excluded from the CARES Act that provided checks and payments, according to sources with knowledge of the March negotiations. The White House declined to comment.

Rubio, who introduced the legislation in June along with Tillis to rectify the matter, is now struggling to include his measure in the Republican Party’s next coronavirus relief package.

“Senator Rubio believes that no American should be denied a federal stimulus check because they are married to someone who is not a US citizen,” a Rubio spokeswoman said Thursday.

Their tone is twofold: American citizens should not be excluded from government aid based on who they married, and Republicans should not be alienating any group of voters at a time when President TrumpDonald John Trump Seattle police declare riots amid ongoing protests. Brazilian Bolsonaro says he tested positive for coronavirus. The Reagan Foundation asks the Trump campaign, RNC, to stop using the former president’s name to raise money. PLUSPoll numbers are declining, and the Republican Party risks losing its majority in the Senate.

“The good news about this proposal is that it is obvious: Any member of the Republican Party who does not vote in favor will be attacked for not being fair or equitable and their motivations will be questioned,” said Al Cárdenas, co-president of the American Business Immigration. Coalition and former president of the Republican Party of Florida.

“For American citizens, once again being treated unevenly in difficult times is mean and illogical,” he added.

Cardenas’ group, along with the Koch-affiliated Free Initiative and the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, are directly appealing to Republican Senate leaders to include the proposal in the upcoming coronavirus relief bill.

The proposal itself is a variation of a Democrat who was shot down in previous coronavirus bills.

The Democratic application would have sent relief checks to all taxpayers, including those filing taxes using an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN).

Foreign citizens can choose to use an ITIN to file taxes in the United States for a variety of reasons, but one of the most common is that it allows undocumented immigrants, who are not eligible for Social Security numbers, to pay their taxes.

When the Republican Senate administration and negotiators rejected the proposal, 1.7 million US citizen spouses of ITIN holders were barred from receiving stimulus checks.

The checks were also not sent to 9.9 million undocumented immigrants and 3.7 million children of US citizens or lawful permanent residents of ITIN holders, according to a report by the Institute for Migration Policy.

Its exclusion from the CARES Act, which provided the stimulus controls, surprised many pro-immigration conservatives.

“I hoped it was just an oversight,” said Daniel Garza, executive director of the Free Initiative, an influential Hispanic advocacy group within the political network funded by conservative mega-donor Charles Koch.

“I am amazed that this has happened,” said Garza.

“They need to repair it, fix it, never repeat it again.” “It is a matter of absolute justice.”

Excluding American citizens from economic relief from their marriages has opened a space for pro-immigration conservatives to express themselves. And they point to the political dangers of excluding the same group in the next aid law, particularly with so many living in battlefield states.

In a letter to McConnell and Republican Senate leaders last week, the American Business Immigration Coalition said the Rubio bill would provide stimulus checks to 291,000 Texas citizens; 81,000 in Florida; 31,000 in North Carolina; 16,000 in Wisconsin; 30,000 in Colorado; and tens of thousands in other states.

Former vice president Joe BidenJoe Biden Republican Senators call for stimulus checks on nearly 2 million excluded Americans Biden organizers say the campaign is ‘suppressing the Hispanic vote’ in Florida, mistreating Harris staff seen as Biden’s favorite vice president as a watch. PLUS He’s leading Trump in polls in Florida and even Texas, with suburban voters opposing the president’s tougher measures on immigration and his administration’s handling of the pandemic.

Tillis also faces a tough reelection bid in North Carolina.

“This is precisely the right time to do it,” Cárdenas said of Rubio’s bill. “It is a key indicator in at least four states where Senate races are in the air, and nationally it is important that the party show some unity.”

Additionally, some Republicans are eager for a Republican victory on an issue in which the Senate minority leader Chuck schumerChuck SchumerSchumer Announces Blue Jays to Play Season in Buffalo Pelosi, Schumer: Republican Party Emerging Coronavirus Plan ‘falls far short’ New York group hit Schumer for lack of benefits for immigrants on relief measures MORE (DN.Y.) has come under fire from the left.

The New York Immigration Coalition hit Schumer on Tuesday with an advertising campaign arguing that it had not done enough to fight the Republicans in attendance for ITIN holders, causing the state to lose more than $ 1 billion in stimulus checks.

But supporters of the Rubio bill have to earn more than just Senate Republicans. Some fear intransigent immigration officials as White House adviser Stephen MillerStephen Miller: Democrats see immigration reform at the top of Biden’s agenda. In the DACA ruling, the Supreme Court ignores Trump’s racial bias. The Memo: Trump’s decision in Tulsa sparks a new racial controversy MORE It could prevent the proposal from even getting mixed up when negotiations with Democrats begin.

Those same supporters acknowledge that if their proposal is not included in what is likely to be COVID-19’s last aid bill before Election Day, it will probably never become law.

“If it is not going to happen now, it is not going to happen,” said Cardenas.
