Republican senator tries to distance himself from Trump: ‘Who is he’ US News

A Republican-led member of the U.S. Senate likened his relationship with Donald Trump to marriage, saying he “marries like a lot of women and feels like he’s going to change his spouse, and he doesn’t. ‘T usually works very well. “

The Fort Worth star-telegram comment from Texas Senator John Cornin is a fresh example of Republicans under electoral pressure to distance themselves from an extraordinary president as polling day approaches. Democrats have been pushing for a Senate, possibly leading to a unified government in Washington and Washington.

“I think what we’ve got is that we’re not going to change President Trump,” Kornen said. “It simply came to our notice then. You either love it or hate it, and there’s not much in between.

“What I tried to do was not to get into public conflicts and fights with him because, as I saw, it usually doesn’t end very well.”

Trump spent some time of the week in a public fight with Nebraska Senator Ben Sassi. Cess criticized Trump in a call to voters, lamenting his treatment of women and thus “kissing the dictator’s butt” and “flirting with white supremacists.”

Trump returned with insults to push Republican National Committee Chair Rona M. Kadanil to the defense on Sunday’s talks.

Cess has at least been reassured that a re-election will take place in two weeks, but his “bloody” predictions for a Senate Republican with an extraordinary president at the top of the ticket could confuse Trump – and M Kadaniel.

Cornen, a former Senate majority whip, knows exactly what Cessna means. He usually leads his Democratic challengers in a safe Republican state – but not the majority, with some polls showing MJ Hager in the realm of error.

“When I have a vote,” Trump told the Fort Worth paper. [I] Do it privately. I believe I have been allowed to be more effective than to satisfy people who say I should be called or fought with in public. “

Kornen said Trump is happy to be publicly applauded when he agrees to judicial nominations and tax cuts. Topics of disagreement include Covid-19 feedback; Efforts to secure another relief bill; And the use of defense funds for border security.

On trade policy, Kornen added: “I applauded them for standing up to China, but, really, the idea that China pays the price and we don’t pay the price at home here just isn’t true.”

The remarks were warm, not to immediately expel Trump, who was campaigning in the war-torn states. Star-Telegram described Cornyn’s caution, saying he had noticed that his friend, a former [senator] Bob Corker [of Tennessee], Who was initially on mild terms with Trump’s White House, chose not to run for re-election in 2018 after clashing with Trump over issues such as the border wall. ”

Karker was once considered a running mate or secretary of state. Tired of saying the White House was running like an “adult daycare center,” he retired in 2018.

By blasting Sass, Trump showed that he never forgets a bit. The president tweeted to the Nebraska senator that “the same deceptive path seems to be coming down as for former senator Liddell ‘Bob Corker’, who became” totally vague “because of his criticism and decided to quit politics and have fun ‘retire’. Was. ”.

Corn, 68, hopes to defeat his 44-year-old opponent and get a fourth six-year term.
