Representative Louie Gohmert will use hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID-19

Representative Louie Gohmert will take the antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine to treat his COVID-19, he announced this week.

Speaking to Fox News Wednesday night, Gohmert (R-Tx.) Said his doctor had prescribed the drug, that scientific data has shown it is not effective in treating the disease, and that he would start a regimen. at the end of the week.

“My doctor and I are all there, and I received a text message from a dear friend, [a] doctor, who just found out he had it, and said he started an HCQ [hydroxychloroquine] regime too, “the Texas Republican told the network.

Gohmert, 66, said his treatment will also include taking zinc and erythromycin, an antibiotic that people allergic to penicillin often take as an alternative.

The GOPer continued to beat those who had criticized him after his diagnosis for his frequent refusal to wear masks.

“I tried a little bit of what you and the president get every day,” Gohmert told host Sean Hannity, “The left went crazy.”

Gohmert has been seen frequently walking the Capitol without a mask, defending his decision in an interview with CNN last month as unnecessary because he said he was regularly tested.

“[I]f I get it, you will never see me without a mask, ”he told the network in June.

Gohmert was tested again Wednesday, this time before a scheduled trip with President Trump on Air Force One to West Texas. That test was positive.

As a result, three lawmakers in the House of Representatives have announced their self-quarantine decision: Representatives Kay Granger (R-Tx.), Raúl Grijalva (D-Ariz.) And Mike Johnson (R-La.).

Attorney General William Barr was evaluated Wednesday after being exposed to Gohmert, however, that test came back negative.

Gohmert is the seventh House legislator to test positive for the virus.

Representatives Mario Díaz Balart (R-Fla.), Neal Dunn (R-Fla.), Morgan Griffith (R-Va.), Mike Kelly (R-Pa.), Ben McAdams (D-Utah), Tom Rice (RS .C.) And Senator Rand Paul (R-Ky.) Have also tested positive.
