Report of the first North Dakota child with COVID-19 and multisystem inflammatory syndrome

Multisystem inflammatory syndrome is a rare and potentially fatal condition that affects children who have been infected with COVID-19 or have been infected with coronavirus around someone. Parts of the body such as the brain, heart, lungs and kidneys may become inflamed, and the child may experience fever, rash and vomiting among other symptoms.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the death toll in the country had risen to 30 by October of this year. The long-term effects of the syndrome are unknown, the CDC says, and it is not clear why some children develop the condition when others do not.

The state Department of Health says the North Dakota baby has been discharged from the hospital. The child’s age and hometown were not disclosed.

“This development is an unfortunate reminder that COVID-19 can affect people of any age, even children,” said Dr. John Smith, a medical officer in the North Dakota area. John Connell said in a news release.

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Coronavirus was first detected in the state in March, so more than 8,500 North Dakota youth aged 0-1-19 have tested positive for COVID-19, according to health department statistics.

Most children develop multisystem inflammatory syndrome about two to four weeks after being infected with COVID-19. There have been cases in children between the ages of 1 and 20, with the majority of patients being between 1 and 14, the health department said in a news release.

Most cases of multisystem inflammatory syndrome have been found in people of color, primarily those who are Hispanic, Latino, or Black, according to the CDC. More than 75% of cases reported in Hispanic, Latino or Black children.

As of October 30, about 1,200 cases of multisystemic inflammatory syndrome had been confirmed in the United States, according to the CDC.

“The best way to prevent your child from developing (multisystem inflammatory syndrome) is to take steps to expose them to the Covid-19 virus and teach your child how to do it,” Connell said in a news release Friday.

Parents should take emergency care if their child has difficulty breathing, is blue, has severe abdominal pain, has chest pain or pressure, is confused or has an inability to wake up or wake up.

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