After Capcom’s announcement earlier this week, another demo Monster Hunter Rise Is alive now.
It is aptly named “Monster Hunter Rise Demo Version 2” and adds a challenging “Advanced” quest where players can take Magnamalo.
“Monster Hunter Rise – Demo version 2 differs from the whole game in some ways. After closing the software, all settings will be reset and only some data will be left. This is a trial version, so no help will be provided except help Controls. “
In addition to the new advanced quests, you will also be able to enjoy previous quests – Great Izuchi (beginner) and Mizutsun (intermediate). Your search count will also be reset to 30 turns.
If the existing demo is still installed on your Nintendo Switch, you should be able to update the app. The full game will come out later this month on March 26th. Will you take on Magnamallo? Tell us in the comments below.