Random: Holiday-themed game Seasonal Assistant coming to Wii U eShop in early 2021

Seasonal assistant

Did you know that games are still being released on Wii U? In fact, early next year, there will be a special holiday-themed game launched for $ 3.99 / 59 3.59 on the system’s eShop.

It’s called Seasonal assistant And the ultra dolphin revolution arcade action is the spin f of the Wii U eShop title, Spelling assistant. Going for a walk here:

“You’re an elf, a well-known spell assistant’s reckless ego. Equipped with festive holiday themed spells (and a beautiful outfit to match), you’re on your way to the ultimate gift for your special friend! Time to do and a lot of meaning in the seasonal assistant defeat!

There are more than 8 holiday-themed levels, huge boss takeaways, and lots of enemies to defeat with festive magic and power-ups. The reason it will not release in December is due to epidemics and other “issues” beyond the control of the developer.

“We hope you understand. We’ve created this game as a little treat for both our fans and Wii U fans and we want to give this underrated console a little love.”

Are you ready to dust off your Wii U to play this? Leave a comment below.
