Rand Paul calls for FBI arrests, investigation into ‘mob’ he believes ‘killed us’, if not for police

Senator Rand Paul, R-Ky., Told “Fox & Friends” that he believes he would have been killed if not for the police when he and his wife were surrounded and attacked by a “mob” who threatened to write and police carried out the White House after President Trump’s acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention (RNC) Thursday night.

“It was horrible,” the Republican senator – who had part of his lung removed due to a complication of his 2017 attack by his neighbor – told host Steve Doocy of the “unforgettable” mob that is growing was.


“They are trying to persuade the police to come to me, so at one point they push a policeman backwards, he stumbles and he tries to catch his balance and I grab the back of his flat jacket to stabilize him to make sure he OK because he’s our defense, “Paul explained. “When he’s down, the mob is loose on us.”

If not for the police, Paul said he could have killed or recovered at the hospital, adding that people followed him to the hotel.

“I truly believe this with every fiber of my being, if they were with us, they would have us on the ground, we might not have been killed, we might have just been hurt by kicking them in the head, or in ‘ the stomach kicks until we were senseless, ‘he explained.


“You’ve seen the pictures of what they do to you. If the police are not there, if you remove the police, if we become Portland, if America becomes Portland, then something will happen that people will be pummeled and kicked in the head and left meaningless on the sidewalk, “he said.” That would have happened to us, I promise you, if we did not have the DC police to support us, we are grateful that we have police, and we must wake up. We can not have the whole country, we can Joe Biden will not rule the country and has no police. I mean, we can not safely walk down the street in DC right now. That’s how bad it is. “

Paul tried to get to his hotel on the other side of the White House road, but it was blocked by Protestants, who said that the secret service had ordered him, his wife, Kelley, and two female friends to board a bus. to walk, which took 45 minutes to get through all the mobs, and then he was aiming to get an Uber to get off at the hotel, but the streets were blocked and no one would let them through.

“They shouted threats for us, to kill us, to injure us, but also threats that shout, shout ‘say her name,’ Breonna Taylor, and it’s like you can not reason with this mob, but I’m “actually the author of the Breonna Taylor Act to end no-knock raids, so the irony is lost on these idiots that they are trying to kill the person who is actually trying to get rid of no-knock raids,” he said. is.

Paul said he wrote 22 reforms of criminal justice with President Trump and former President Barack Obama, but the protesters still shouted, “We will not let you live unless you say you are in favor of criminal justice reform.”

The Pauls were not harmed, but the senator still calls on the FBI to make arrests and investigate the “criminal traffic between states” that is paid for across state borders “because people have already been killed in other cities.

“I believe there will be people who are involved in the attack on us who were actually paid to come here, not from Washington, DC, and are kind of paid to be anarchists,” he said. “This is disturbing, because true, if you incite a riot it’s a crime, but if you pay someone to incite a riot, that person has to go to jail as well.”

“They encouraged a riot and they would have killed us if the police had not been there,” the senator added.

He tasted the Democratic presidential card for violence in democratic cities.

“It’s become so dangerous for us and I hear Joe Biden like Kamala Harris not say one thing about the violence. This mob is their voters. This is the new Democratic party, and if we do not resist this, the United States will become Portland. “We will become Chicago. All of these failed cities have Democrats running,” the president said in his speech, “he said. “If we allow them to take over the White House, we will become Portland, the country will be on fire, we must have law and order and we must support the police. I cannot say that strongly enough.”


Hundreds of protesters gathered outside the White House Thursday night as Trump prepared to deliver his speech from the South Lawn.

Fences were erected along the perimeter of the White House to keep Protestants away, but shouts could be heard from the South Lawn.

Protestants shouted, “No justice, no peace!” and “Join us!” while keeping your characters against Trump and Black Lives Matter, beating drums and playing other music.