Quentin Tarantino’s Star Trek would become a gangster theme

Illustration for article titled Of course, Quentin Tarantino's iStar Trek / i was based on the old-fashioned gangster one

Screenshot: CBS All access

It’s annoying difficult to figure out what happens to the Star Trek movie features at the moment – though, to be honest, that seems to be just as messy of a problem for the people inside Paramount now exactly as out. May Deadline, the new of the studio Chairman of Motion Picture Group, Emma Watts – new from her tenure at Fox Twentieth Century – tried to figure out which of the three (possibly competing) Trek movie screenings will actually progress in the studio: The one that would possibly see Chris Hemsworth reunited with the cast of the JJ Abrams films, of one Quentin Tarantino may or may not have agreed to direct, and de fan Fargo en Legion‘s Noah Hawley.

Adjust, we wrote about reports that Hawley’s project had apparently fallen by the intergalactic side, possibly because of center on a massive pandemic that was making its way through the Federation. (And indeed, the whole concept punishes probability; how could any advanced civilization let such a thing happen ?!) But the same reports also contained a cowardice we initially missed about Tarantino’s maybe-movie, meaning that it would apparently be set in a very QT comfort zone-fixing room: On the surface of a gangster planet.

Specifically, the script of the film – written by Mark L. Smith – was apparent a riff on the episode of the second season of the Original Series “A piece of action,” aka, “The One Where It’s A Gangster Planet.” What, besides sounding like a joke … ”Do you hear about Quentin Tarantino’s? Star Trek film? People stand around drage packs and point guns on each other”- also sounds like it would be a lot cheaper than having to film a spaceship movie.

The same Deadline report, however, notes that a) Tarantino is apparent net directing the film, although he would probably still produce it, and b) that it would probably end in the “Maybe we do it as a spin-off further down the line”Category as the Hawley Project. That leaves only the immediate continued on 2016s Star Trek Beyond in the run, which apparently stopped because getting Chris Pine and the rest of the Abrams / Lin together would be very expensive. Who we say: there is no reason why there can not be two Star Trek movies set on gangster planets, right?
