Today is a great day for the Cambridges. Prince George, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge’s eldest son, celebrates her seventh birthday! While Little Prince’s special day might look different this year, due to social estrangement in the midst of COVID-19, he’s certainly not short of people to send him love and happy birthday wishes.
Naturally, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge celebrated their son’s birthday on their Instagram account, @kensingtonroyal. In two sweet posts, the royal couple shared photos taken by Kate.
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“Thank you all for your kind wishes on Prince George’s birthday today!” Royals scored on their second birthday post for Little Prince.
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The Cambridges were not the only ones to publicly celebrate the big day. Prince George’s grandparents, Prince Charles and Duchess Camilla, sent their best wishes through a sweet Instagram post, @clarencehouse. The couple shared the same photo of George, taken by his mother.
“I wish Prince George a very happy seventh birthday today!” the caption read.
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Finally, the young royalty’s birthday would not be complete without a message from her great-grandmother, Queen Elizabeth. Representing the Queen, Prince Philip, and several other royals who don’t have their own social channels, the Instagram account @theroyalfamily posted their own birthday message for Prince George.
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While he has certainly received a great deal of love, Prince George’s birthday is not over yet. I hope you have a very special day, and maybe you will receive a great gift or two.
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