Put the PS5 size scale in perspective with a range of illustrations

If not, the PlayStation 5 is one This The largest game console ever produced, but it’s hard to appreciate that scale until you get it to your home. How will the PS5 fit into your current setup? Do you need to make some adjustments to get a huge machine next to your TV? Fortunately, some visual assistance has been offered for a series of two-scale drawings by an artist.

Illustrator Kisawada Taken along with some images on Twitter that show how the PS5 stands out against other hardware. Not only does it show how terrible the PS5 is, it also has very helpful guides on how to measure the console in your home.

As you can see, the pictures above show Sony’s next-gen system with different TV sizes, Xbox Series S and X, Nintendo Switch and even Game B side X. The thread of tweets proceeds with further comparison:

This should make the size of the PS5 a little more realistic; Using these as references, you’ll find out where you can slot the machine into your living space, and create space if needed. Do you have enough space for your PS5? Tell us in the comments section below.
