Puppies reportedly open season at home against brewers (UPDATE: National Broadcast)

After an additional week to shore things up given how tenuous this all feels, MLB is finally releasing its new 60 game schedule for the 2020 season tonight in a 5pm CT special on the MLB Network.

As we know, the schedule will feature 40 games against his division, and then 20 games against the corresponding division in the other league. For the Cubs, that will mean 10 games each against the Brewers, Cardinals, Reds and Pirates, and then 20 games divided between the White Sox, the Indians, the Twins, the Royals and the Tigers.

The Cubs’ first game, according to Sahadev Sharma, will be fun:

That could really mean any stadium, but in the context of thinking, I guess “home” means Wrigley Field winky-face-dot-emoji-dot-gov.

It’s still the case that fans are highly unlikely to be at Wrigley Field for Game 1, even when the Cubs want to find a way to make it happen. However, the rooftops are expected to be open to limited capacity, so there will be SOME fans there.

It will be intense madness from the start, assuming things can start on that date, July 24. That’s only two and a half weeks at this point, and I’m sure I’d love to see the Cubs stomp on the Brewers at Wrigley Field. to start the season.

UPDATE: And it will be on ESPN:

That’s good news outside of the Chicago market, but it will mean locally, the game will crash on ESPN and Marquee will be the only way to see it. All the more reason to hope that they can reach a deal with Comcast before opening day.
