Public health requires people attending Emporia bar early Sunday to self-guarantee; active caseload drops to 81

Lyon County Public Health is asking people who patrolled an Emporia bar in the city center earlier this week to take self-quarantine after one person who participated decided to have coronavirus.

Public Health says a patron of Town Royal, 405 Commercial, tested positive Thursday. The person was apparently at the bar between midnight and 1am Sunday.

Public Health Support Manager Melissa Smith wants to convey the positive patient who visited other locations next to Town Royal and they do not want to exclude the institution. However; due to the amount of foot traffic that regularly occurs in liquor establishments, contact tracing in a case like this is extremely difficult, hence the public request for possible contacts with quarantine.

Potential contacts at other locations visited by the positive patient have been notified by Public Health. Town Royal is not currently being asked to close or stop operations as there is no cluster or outbreak associated with the establishment.

Smith says personal responsibility will be the key to preventing any COVID spread from the community. This includes exercising caution when in public among large groups.

In addition to self-quarantine, residents who were in the bar at the time must also contact Lyon County Public Health at 208-3741 to begin the contact process. Residents should check for these symptoms:

* Shortness of breath
* Hollepine
* Fever
* Cough
* Runny nose
* Muscle hurts
* Tiredness and chills
* New loss of taste or smell
* Overload
*Sore throat
* Nausea and vomiting
* Diarrhea

Word about this situation came shortly after Public Health announced nine new cases and 12 recovered patients, reducing the active case tax rate from 84 to 81. The death toll remains stable at May 17, 11 pending death certificates from the Kansas Department of Health and Environment.

In total, Lyon County has had 845 cases and 746 recoveries since March.

For clusters:

Private industry has 1 active cluster, 153 total cases, 6 active cases and 1 death
Long-term care: has 1 active cluster, 148 total cases, 22 active cases and 10 deaths plus 9 pending death of KDHE
Bars as restaurants currently also has 1 active cluster, 6 total cases, 6 active cases and no deaths.

Elsewhere in the KVOE listening area:

* Chase County has 15 active cases. It also has one death pending death information from KDHE.
* Coffey County announced two new cases Wednesday and has six active cases, 77 total cases and eight deaths
* Greenwood County has two active cases and 25 total cases.
* Morris County has four active cases.
* Osage County has one new recovery and nine active cases.
* Wabaunsee County has nine active.