Princess Beatriz returned to wearing Valentino shoes at her royal wedding

Princess Beatriz knows that when it comes to style, what’s new isn’t always the way to go. From her vintage dress, borrowed by the Queen, to her heirloom tiara, Beatrice’s wedding day look was all about embracing the old.

And although the actual observers didn’t notice at first, this was even the case with their shoes. The princess chose a sparkling pair of Valentino heels (a smart choice, with the diamond designs on the dress and the glittering jewels on the tiara) for her big day, which she had already had in her wardrobe for years.

Beatrice’s shoes could be seen peeking out from her wedding dress.

Memorably, the princess took them to another royal wedding, that of Prince William and Kate Middleton, in 2011. Then, thanks to their shorter hem, they were on full display.

the royal wedding

Princess Eugenia and Princess Beatriz attend Will and Kate’s wedding.

Antony Jones / Julian Parker / Mark Cuthbertfake pictures

Recycling old shoes is just one more way Beatrice strayed from the dress model set by recent Windsor brides. The women at the center of the biggest royal weddings in recent years – Kate, Meghan Markle and Princess Eugenie – hand-picked a couturier to craft their custom dresses, which were developed into a series of time-consuming accessories.

Beatrice, on the other hand, was a decades-old gown designed by Norman Hartnell (once she went to the royal dressmaker, and the man behind the garments the Queen wore for both her own weddings and her coronation), which It was remodeled and refined by the Queen’s trusted dressmakers Angela Kelly and Stewart Parvin. Paired with Queen Mary’s Diamond Fringe Tiara, the same sparkler Queen Elizabeth wore on her wedding day, Beatrice’s gaze was a smart statement about the enduring legacy of royalty.

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