Princess Beatrice and her old boyfriend Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi were married in a secret ceremony in Windsor on Friday, July 17, attended by only close family and friends, including the Queen and Prince Philip. The nuptials of silence took place in lieu of the more public ceremony the couple had planned for May 29, which was canceled due to the current global Covid-19 crisis. And now the images from the ceremony have been released by Buckingham Palace along with details about the tight-knit ceremony, including why no songs were sung during the service.
The intimate service, which took place in the Royal Chapel of All Saints at Royal Lodge, Windsor, was officiated by the Reverend Canon Paul Wright, Assistant Dean of the Royal Chapel and the Reverend Canon Martin Poll, Domestic Chaplain to Her Majesty the Queen. The service was held according to government guidelines, so no hymns were sung, but there was a selection of music, including the National Anthem (which was played and not sung as well).
Also included in the ceremony was a reading of two of the couple’s favorite poems, which were read by their mothers; Sonnet 116 by William Shakespeare and “I carry you in my heart” by EE Cummings. A reading of St. Paul’s First Letter to the Corinthians Chapter 13, verses 1-13 was also performed, along with prayers.
According to the Palace, the bride was carried down the hall by her father, and Mapelli Mozzi’s son was a godfather and page boy.
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