Princess Anne, Queen Elizabeth’s only daughter, will be 70 next month, and in honor of the milestone, a new documentary offers a new insight into the life of the royal princess.
The program, titled Anne: the royal princess at 70, airs tomorrow night on ITV in the UK (it’s unclear if / when it will premiere in the United States), but some key moments from the interview have already started to leak.
In one, Anne admits to having seen some early episodes of The crownPeter Morgan’s popular Netflix series that dramatizes the true story. Anne is no longer an ardent observer of the show, but what she has seen she found “quite interesting.”
That said, she does have some thoughts on her character’s hair.
“Actually, I read an article the other day about it, I don’t watch Netflix and The crownbut the actress was talking about how long it took them to comb their hair like me, “said Anne, referring to actress Erin Doherty, who plays a young royal princess in seasons 3 and 4 of the series.” And I’m thinking, ‘How could you take that long?’ I mean, it takes me 10 or 15 minutes. ”
Last year, I spoke to Doherty about the process to perfect her character’s hair, and let’s just say it took a little over 15 minutes.
“The makeup literally took 10 minutes, but the hair would sometimes take two hours,” she said.
“He is his own beast. Literally, I would sit in the chair, people would come and go and go and go and go, and sit in the same place. But it was so necessary for his character because it felt like his hair and fashion was how he could express himself in the confined and controlled environment in which he grew up. “
Doherty will return as Anne in The crownfourth season, which will be released later this year. Fortunately, she didn’t have to spend as much time in the hair and makeup trailer in preparation for those new episodes.
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