Prince Harry and Meghan Meghan Close Sussex Royal Charity

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  • Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan have officially submitted documents to close their Sussex Royal charity.
  • As part of their agreement to resign as members of royalty, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex agreed to no longer use Sussex’s real name.
  • The Sussexs previously announced that their next company will be called Archewell.

    It really is the end of an era for Sussex fans. A source says that “the documentation has been filed with the Companies House and the Charity Commission to formally close the organization [Sussex Royal] down.”

    By giving up their roles as superior members of the royal family, Meghan Markle and Prince Harry agreed to no longer use the name of Sussex Royal. As a result, “the charity formally enters a ‘solvent liquidation’ period,” according to one source.

    It has already been revealed that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex plan to start a new organization, Archewell, after moving to Los Angeles. However, the official process to close Sussex Royal is now underway. A source reveals to BAZAAR.comDuring this period, all Trustees will cease to perform their functions except the Duke of Sussex, who will formally remain Director and Trustee until the liquidation process is complete. The Duke and Duchess remain incredibly grateful for the support and guidance from the Trustees has been given during this period. “

    The source also notes that “the charity’s only operation and development program has been the sustainable travel and tourism initiative, Travalyst. Travalyst now operates as an independent UK-based non-profit organization, and all Sussex Royal assets will be transferred over. ”

    This week, We weekly He also reported that Prince Harry no longer uses his SAR title on Travalyst’s website. The post noted: “The website’s mission statement previously stated that the program was run by ‘His Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex.’ Now, the description reads: ‘led by the Duke of Sussex.'”

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