It’s hard to believe that seven years have passed since royal observers saw Prince William and Kate Middleton leave the hospital with their eldest, Prince George, wrapped in their arms. But yeah, and in the meantime, George has grown into a pretty handsome young man.
In what has become a tradition for Cambridge children to celebrate George’s seventh birthday tomorrow, William and Kate released new photos of their son, taken by the Duchess herself earlier this month.
Royal royal birthday parties are generally private affairs, but thanks to one of George’s godmothers, we have at least a clue as to what awaits the birthday boy. Julia Samuel, an old friend of Princess Diana and George’s godmother, spoke about the gifts she chooses for the future seven-year-old boy during a recent appearance on the podcast.
“I do to George what [Princess Diana] he did to us, which is giving out impossible toys that are really loud and labor intensive, “said Samuel, Persons. “I walked in a little bit lean over the size of the gift William then has to spend days putting together. And then I put all the machinery together, and it makes terrible noises and flashing lights and all that.”
Samuel says it is a success, both for her and her godson. “That makes me laugh, and it makes George laugh.” I hope you enjoy a good laugh or two tomorrow.
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