President Trump plans to bring Hunter Biden’s aide Tony Bobulinski as a guest for discussion

Fox News has learned that President Trump is expected to bring former Hunter Biden ally Tony Bobulinski as his guest in the final presidential debate on Thursday night.

Bobulinski is a retired lieutenant in the U.S. Navy and CEO of Sinohk Holdings, which he explained was “a partnership between CEFC / Chairman Ye and the Chinese, run by the Biden family.” He said Hunter Biden and James Gillier brought him in as CEO.

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Bobulinski said in a statement to Fox News that he did not believe Biden’s past claim that he did not discuss his son Hunter’s business with him, and claimed that Hunter “repeatedly asks for his sign-up or advice on various potential deals.” Giving. “

Courtesy Tony Bobulinski

Courtesy Tony Bobulinski

“I have told Vice President Biden that he has never talked to Hunter about his business. I have seen at first that this is not true, because it is not just Hunter’s business. Is. “Line,” Bobulinski said.

He added, “The Biden family aggressively took advantage of the Biden family’s name to earn millions of dollars from foreign companies, even though some were from communist-controlled China.”

Bobulinksi also said he believed the Chinese involvement in the deal was a “political or influential investment” in his favor and that “Hunter wanted the company to use his money as a piggy bank as soon as the money came out. It came from the Chinese.”

Biden declined to comment on the campaign.

Bobulinski also said that the information he presented was not part of any dissolution campaign.

“Any suggestion to the contrary is false and insulting,” he said.

“Once I learned that Hunter wanted to take the money from the Chinese and use the company as his personal piggy bank, I took steps to prevent that from happening,” Bobulinski added, adding that he asked “to address the American people and outline the facts.” The Biden family, so I can be irrelevant back – and so I’m not in a position to answer these questions for them. “

Bobulinski said he had “no political ax to grind.”

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The Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee and the Senate Finance Committee requested documents related to Bobulinski’s business dealings with the Bowden family. He has provided documents to the committees. Fox News also obtained the documents separately.

Ron Johnson, chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee, and Chuck Grassley, chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, are also planning to interview Bobulinksi on Friday.

“As part of the committee’s efforts to verify the authenticity of publicly published emails involved in the Biden family’s international financial battle, we sent letters to five individuals identified in the emails. Those letters were sent yesterday, and the deadline is October 23, 2020. Our investigation. “

They added: “In fact, Mr. Bobulinski has agreed to be present for an informal interview by the committees tomorrow, Friday, October 23, 2020.”

Many of the documents obtained by Fox News show that Bobulinksi was discussed at a meeting with B Biden in May 2017, despite the former vice president’s claims that he did not talk about his son’s business dealings.

Messages indicate that a meeting took place, although it is not clear what the object of the meeting will be. They are unrelated to a laptop or hard drive belonging to Hunter Biden, the son of a former vice president.

“Mring plus let me draw if we’ll have an early dinner for your uncle and dad and also for document translation would you like it simple Chinese or traditional?” Bobulinsky texted Hunter Biden on May 2, 2017.

“Not sure at dinner yet and whatever is most common for a Chinese legal DOC,” Hunter replied to Biden.

“Chinese legal documents can be both, I’ll make it traditional,” Bobulinski said.

Hunter Biden emails business partner deal ‘genuine’, says Hunter South Dead’s advice

Hunter replied: “Dad is not at 11 yet – let me and Beverly Hilton at the gym 10 where they are staying.”

Later, on May 2, 2017, Bobulinski sent a text to J. Biden’s brother, Jim Biden: “Nice to meet you and spend some time together, please thank him for his time, nice to talk to Tony Tony B.” . ”