Pregnant women should avoid all cafes, says report, but some experts disagree

Pregnant women, and those thinking about pregnancy, should avoid caffeine, according to a new review of evidence.

However, some experts disagree, saying the report is “alarmist” and that a small amount of coffee (about 200mg) is safe during pregnancy, reports the BBC.

The “narrative review” was published this week in BMJ by Jack E. James, a professor of psychology at the University of Reykjavik in Iceland.

As the outlet wrote, the UK National Health Service (NHS), like other agencies, advises pregnant women to limit caffeine because too much can cause a low birth weight, which increases the risk of health problems later in life. NHS also says too much coffee can lead to a miscarriage.

The BMJ report examined 48 studies on caffeine consumption in the mother tongue, and the author wrote: “The articles reported results for one or more of six main categories of adverse pregnancy outcomes: miscarriage, stillbirth, low birth weight and / or before pregnancy, premature birth , acute leukemia in children, and obesity and obesity in children. “


Pregnant women, and those thinking about pregnancy, should avoid caffeine, according to a new, review of evidence.  Other experts disagreed.  (iStock)

Pregnant women, and those thinking about pregnancy, should avoid caffeine, according to a new, review of evidence. Other experts disagreed. (iStock)

According to the BBC, James acknowledges that his report is “observational” and that caffeine can not be “proven” to have negative consequences for pregnant women. However, he says after his work that his work suggests pregnant women, and those who are considering pregnancy, avoid caffeine altogether.

Clinical guidance from the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists says “moderate coffee consumption (less than 200 mg per day) does not appear to be a significant contributor to miscarriage or premature birth,” added, “a definitive conclusion can not be drawn at this time if there is a correlation between high coffee intake and miscarriage. “

The European Food Safety Authority and the UK College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists also recommend “restriction”, but not complete prevention of coffee intake while pregnant, the BBC reported.

One pharmacist told the BBC that the BMJ report did not match “accepted evidence.” Dr. Luke Grzeskowiak, with the University of Adelaide in Australia, said after the paper was “too alarming” and “in conflict with accepted evidence.”

“There are so many dos and don’ts associated with pregnancy and the last thing we need is to cause unnecessary fear,” Grzeskowiak told the outlet. “At the end of the day, women should be reassured that coffee can be consumed in moderation. During pregnancy.”