Pre-election voting, X days till election day surpasses all remaining 2016 preliminary ballots

By CNN, Addison Research and Catalyst, all states and Washington D.C. More than 58 million million Americans have voted so far, according to a survey by election officials.

According to a CNN analysis, in 2016, about 58.3 million pre-election ballots were cast that year, including voting in three vote-by-mail states. That initial vote accounted for about 42% of all votes cast in the 2016 presidential election.

Pre-election voting is rife across the country amid the ongoing coronavirus epidemic, and states are registering record-breaking turnout, as voters are excited to vote face-to-face by mail or as early as November.

Voter Detail Information is from Catalyst, which provides data, analytics and other services to Democrats, academics and nonprofit issue-advocacy organizations and provides insight into who is voting before November.

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Fifty-four percent That’s 58.7 million votes Already cast this cycle comes from CNN’s 16 most competitive states, which will play a crucial role in determining who wins the presidency this year.

Among those states, Minnesota currently has the highest percentage of early-turn voting compared to the last cycle, with 14-year major states having both years of catalyst data.

By age, younger voters (ages 18-29) are also voting significantly more, and a large proportion of pre-election suffrage was available four years ago with information available in all major states.

In all 14 key states, voters under the age of 30 have increased their share of early voting compared to the 2016 issue.

Early voters aged 0 and over still include a large number of these early voters, but their share has declined slightly since four years ago. Oldest voters – those 65 or older have seen the biggest drop in their early voting share.

Overall, the top three states that have seen the highest increase in early voting so far are all extended use of mail or early voting this year.

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New Jersey, which has more than nine times more ball ball ballings this year than it did in 2016, sent votes to all eligible voters in the state for the 2020 election. Delaware, which saw seven times more ballots than it did four years ago today, and Virginia, which saw more than six times, are allowing any voter to vote by mail.

Below is a look at the sky-high turnover in some of the key states that President Donald Trump won in 2016 by a narrow margin.


Trump won more than one percent of the vote in Florida in 2016, and re-occupying Sunshine State this year is crucial to his election prospects.

While the Florida Democrats maintain an advantage in pre-election voting, the Catalyst data shortens the gap as more voters participate in early voting across the state.

Democrats now have 43% of the initial vote, while Republicans have 36%. At this point in 2001, the razor with a one-point lead in the Republican primary was thin.

This turnout among Florida Democrats can be seen in a recent poll on voter behavior in Sunshine State.

In a new CNN poll conducted by SSRS, about 35% of voters in Florida said they had already voted. Of that group, 71% say they support former Vice President Joe Biden and 27% support Trump. Six percent of those who have yet to vote say they back Trump, and 40 percent say they support Biden.

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While this is not a predictor of the final outcome, the poll shows that Democrats nationwide are more likely to vote before election day than Republicans.

North Carolina

Democrats in North Carolina also outperform Republicans in their pre-election turnout, but once again, that gap is narrowing amid a surge in early voting in the state of Tar Hill.

About 40% of the initial votes analyzed by Catalyst come from Democrats, compared to 30% from Republicans. This time in 2016 is similar to the partisan breakdown of pre-election votes at this time.

However, in recent weeks Republicans have participated in early vote-sharing.


In Pennsylvania – a key state that Trump won by less than one percentage point in 2016 – Democrats continue to have a significant advantage over Republicans in their share of ballots already cast, according to Catalyst Party data.

About 70% of the pre-election votes came from Democrats, compared to 20% from Republicans.


Michigan’s 16 electoral votes helped make Trump president four years ago when the state broke six streams of voting for the Democratic presidential candidate.

Voting in Wolverine State More than 5 million votes were cast for the presidency in 2008 in this century. The 2018 ballot move changed Michigan rules to allow anyone to vote by mail without an excuse, and according to Catalyst data, ballot returns this year are three times higher than they were four years ago.

A look at those returns through the race shows that black voters’ ballots accounted for 12% of the current vote, up from 8% this time around in the 2016 cycle. Democrats are hoping to increase turnout among black voters in areas like Detroit in their quest to bring Michigan back to the blue column.


Democrats seeking to expand the election map are focusing more on Arizona’s 11 voter votes. According to the CMAG, the Biden campaign alone has cost 14 14 million more to advertise than the Trump campaign.

Democrats lead Republicans in their share of the vote so far, from 42% to 34%, respectively. At this point four years ago, Democrats were ahead of the cast 38 percent of the vote in the 1% Republican poll, according to Catalyst data.

While this is good news for Democrats, little more than a third of the registered voters in the Grand Canyon state have no party affiliation, with both parties having plenty of space left to run in the final days of the campaign.
