Who are the 11 detainees linked to the death of Samuel Paty, the beheaded teacher in France – World


Two days after the attack that killed Professor Samuel Paty, In Conflans-Sainte-Honorine, France, eleven people in police custody have been arrested as an important part of the crime investigation.

The professor was attacked by an 18-year-old youth, in a crime that is being investigated as a terrorist attack when he was on his way home. The attacker reportedly shouted “Allah is great” before being shot down by the police.

The issue is the fact that Samuel showed a cartoon of a prophet in one of his classes.

But after all, who are these suspects?

Family of the 18-year-old offender
The family of the young man who beheaded Samuel arrived in France in 2008, when Abdoullakh, the oldest of six siblings, was then 6 years old.

Following the crime that occurred this Friday, four relatives of the attacker, including Abdoullakh Anzorov’s parents, grandfather and younger brother, were arrested in Evreux after the young man’s identification.

The information, advanced by The parisian, realizes that the father of the attacker assured investigators that he would not have noticed the radicalization of his son.

Parents of students
Brahim C., 48, is the father of the student who called for the mobilization against the teacher. He was arrested in Chanteloup-les-Vignes earlier this Saturday morning.

October 7 Brahim C posted in Facebook a note that came to encourage a “movement against the teacher.” On October 5, Samuel Paty showed two cartoons of Muhammad to his students, for which Brahim accused him of spreading pornographic images.

The man claimed, through the post, that his 13-year-old daughter refused to attend the rest of the class because she felt uncomfortable. However, the investigation reveals that the student was not present in class on the fifth day.

There is another parent, of another student, who is being investigated. He filed a complaint against the professor that same day.

Abdelhakim Sefrioui and the accomplice
From the beginning of the controversy, when Brahim C tried to make his version of events heard, Sefrioui presented himself as one of the main keys to the attack.

The radical activist presented himself to the headmaster of the school as “responsible for the brothers in France.” He even threatened to demonstrate in front of the school. October 12 He claimed that “Emmanuel Macron has sparked hatred among Muslims.”

Three people who were with the abuser
Two people appeared spontaneously at the Evreux police station. Although it is not known whether the link to the killer is personal or professional, both are linked to Abdoullakh Anzorov.

A third member was arrested Sunday morning.

France honors Samuel
Across France, demonstrations against horror are expected this Sunday and in honor of the teacher beheaded on Friday, for showing his students cartoons of Muhammad, and for which 11 people are detained.

The Charlie Hebdo newspaper, badly affected by Islamic terrorism in 2015, also announced that it will join the demonstration in the French capital.
