What to expect from Donald Trump in the coming weeks?


As the world received the news that Biden was named the next president of the United States, Donald Trump played golf in Virginia. Without admitting defeat in the presidential election, the American president once again insisted that he was the winner of the election. “I won this election by far!” Trump wrote on his social network Twitter.

The refusal to accept defeat was expected, with Donald Trump insisting in recent days to accuse Democrats of electoral “fraud” with the votes that came in the mail, demanding a recount of the votes in some states. Moments after Biden’s announcement, the Trump campaign reiterated that the elections “are not over yet” and announced a legal battle. “Starting Monday, our campaign will present our case in court to ensure that electoral laws are fully complied with and that the rightful winner is declared,” said Rudy Giulianu, attorney for the current US president.

For these reasons and considering the habitual behaviors that the world has had the opportunity to experience in the last four years, no one expects Trump to formally concede defeat. Relatives and people close to the Republican even affirm that he will never admit that he was defeated in the electoral contest, but that he will leave the White House at the end of his term, although against his will.

“I doubt he will admit defeat,” said Trump’s friend and adviser Roger Stone. In Stone’s view, Biden will, as a result, have “a cloud over his presidency with half the nation’s population believing he was illegitimately elected.” Biden is the president-elect with the highest number of votes in the history of the United States, but “Trumpism” has also emerged strengthened from these elections, with the Republican candidate receiving five million more votes than in 2016, when he was elected president.

Mary Trump, Donald Trump’s niece, also believes that acknowledgment of her uncle’s defeat is “unlikely.” Questioned by Channel 4 News On what Trump would be feeling at a time when the results pointed to Biden’s victory, Mary Trump responded that he would be “going crazy.” “For the first time in his life, he faces an undeniable loss. You are facing something that is unbearableand we see this reflected in their despair, “he added.

The “most dangerous” period in US history.

Even if Trump does not accept that he will be president of a single term, the clock is already counting until the day when he will have to give way to Biden. Eleven weeks remain, a period that experts believe may be the “most dangerous” in US history.

“If he loses power, he will spend his last 90 days destroying America like a bad boy with a mallet in a Chinese store.”said Malcolm Nance, policy analyst, The Guardian. “We are likely to see the biggest political tantrum in history. You may decide that you want to get away with everything, you may decide that you will not accept the outcome of the election. Who knows what a cornered autocrat will do? Nance asked.
“We have to be prepared for whatever he has in mind, because if he thinks he’s going to fall, he will try to take us all with him.”said Trump’s niece. Asked if he was serious, Mary Trump replied: “Of course he was,” recalling that Trump, as president of the United States, made a speech in recent days in which he said that “the popular vote is not to be trusted.” Mary Trump, who recently published a book revealing how the family created the “most dangerous man in the world,” also guarantees that “there will be no feeling of regret” from Trump, “because that would mean that he can acknowledge that he did. something wrong, which is not true. “

Some of the chaos that will follow Trump’s defeat is already predictable: the United States permanently withdrew from the Paris Agreement last Wednesday; The pandemic, which has already killed more than 237,000 Americans, will worsen and Trump has already suggested the resignation of Anthony Fauci, the nation’s top infectious disease specialist who is part of the US task force on fighting the pandemic.

However, there is still a lot to expect from Trump. As the lawyers have already announced, Trump is prepared to start a legal battle and experts even point out that the president of the United States is taking advantage of this weekend to draw up a plan that will involve more trials. The Trump campaign has even announced that they are raising $ 60 million to pay for lawyers.

“It will push its executive and constitutional powers to the limit”Nance said. “He intends to fight,” Trump’s economic adviser Larry Kudlow was quoted as saying by the Associated Press.

In a statement Friday, Trump announced that he will continue “with this process in all aspects of the law to ensure that the American people have confidence in our government.” “I will never stop fighting for you and our nation,” Trump said.

Some advisers consider, however, that the legal efforts imposed by the Trump Campaign consist more of an attempt to “put on a show” than, exactly, hoping they will produce results.

Yet there is a common concern that Trump’s rhetoric fuels tensions in a country that was already deeply divided prior to Biden’s appointment. Several American cities have been the scene of demonstrations for and against Trump, and there have even been reports of supporters of the Republican candidate gathering outside the voting centers, some with weapons.
Republicans divided

In this fight for the presidency, there is a clear division, even among the Republican core. Donald Trump has the support of many, including his lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, and his children, who believe that the legal battle must be carried to the end to try to overturn the election results of the five states that were in the final stretch of the count. of the votes.

However, other political allies and White House officials have urged the president to exercise caution in the coming weeks to ensure a peaceful transfer of power. According to the Associated Press, many public allies even advised Trump to deliver a speech next week to promise to support a peaceful transition. The president’s niece says abandoning his allies will help increase Trump’s “anger levels.”

Among those who defend respect for the election results is the leader of the Republican majority in the Senate, Mitch McConnell, who has already announced that he will respect the will of the American people.
