Vice President of Brazil ‘warns’ Supreme Court


The vice president of Brazil, Hamilton Mourão, today left a ‘warning to the Supreme Federal Court (STF), considering that the suspension of some government decisions goes beyond limits.

“I believe that each one must navigate within the limits of his responsibility. Then, the most recent cases, which were the appointment of the director general of the Federal Police, the subject of Venezuelan diplomats, were decisions of the President.” said the general during an interview with Rádio Gaúcha.

In less than a week, STF judges suspended the appointment of Alexandre Ramage to the General Directorate of the Federal Police and revoked an order to withdraw the Brazilian government against the diplomatic allies of the President of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, from the embassy of that country in Brasilia.

“It’s his responsability [Presidente do Brasil, Jair Bolsonaro], it is his decision to choose his assistants, and also the head of state is responsible for the country’s foreign policy, “he added.

The vice president referred to two episodes that pitted the judiciary against the Brazilian government.

The first took place on Wednesday of last week, when STF judge Alexandre de Morais suspended the mandate of Alexandre Ramage at the head of the Federal Police.

The judge understood that the election indicated an attempt at political influence by Bolsonaro within that corporation, responsible for the investigations accompanied by the STF that involved relatives and allies of the Brazilian head of state.

The case of Venezuelan diplomats happened last Saturday, when the deadline for 34 representatives of the Maduro government to leave Brazil ended after the withdrawal of Brazilian diplomats from the neighboring country.

STF judge Luís Roberto Barroso decided that Maduro officials should not be forced to travel during the pandemic caused by the new coronavirus and asked the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Government for explanations.
