Venezuelan president accuses the US and Europe of attacking a refinery and says there is gas for 20 days – Jornal Economico


President Nicolás Maduro today accused the United States and Europe of having attacked “with a powerful weapon” the Venezuelan refinery in Amuay and announced that Venezuela only has 20 days of gas reserves.

“Amuay was attacked with a long and powerful weapon and we are investigating. [Amuay é] one of the most important refineries in Venezuela. They wanted to cause an explosion and they brought down a tower that was thicker than a battle tank, ”he said.

President Nicolás Maduro spoke at the presidential palace of Miraflores, in Caracas, during a conference with international journalists in which he did not specify the type of weapon used and provided more details to the attorney general appointed by the Constituent Assembly (composed only of supporters of the Constituent Assembly). regime), Tarek William Saab.

“They wanted to start a fire in the refinery, they brought down a tower. Venezuela faces situations of permanent conspiracies. We have no opposition, we have a permanent consortium endorsed, financed, promoted by the United States Government with the complicity of various European governments, ”he said.

On the other hand, he explained that Venezuela increased local gasoline production by 30%, but that the Venezuelan government “is regulating” consumption, because it suffered “a very hard blow.”

“Venezuela has gas reserves for twenty days. We are working to extend them to thirty days. We are going back to production again and another percentage has come from different parts of the world, ”he said.

According to Nicolás Maduro, “the United States worked for a year to pursue the gasoline we imported and in August they stole three million barrels from us,” he stressed, accusing the opposition leader Juan Guaidó of having promoted this theft.

On the other hand, he again accused his Colombian counterpart, Iván Duque, of training mercenaries to invade Venezuela.

“We have presented evidence of how in [Colômbia] North of Santander, Antioquia, La Guajira and Cali, there are four camps with about a thousand mercenaries, among Colombian paramilitaries, mercenary deserters of Venezuelan origin and other captured criminals, ”he said.

Nicolás Maduro denied claims by US politicians that Venezuela had bought weapons from Iran, admitting, however, that it would be a “good idea.”

“It seems like a very good idea. Iran can sell and we can buy. In due course we will see the Iranian offer, I will make the decision and this military team will come to reinforce Venezuela’s defense capacity, ”he said.

During the press conference, Nicolás Maduro reiterated his willingness to speak with the next president of the United States.

“Whether Trump or Biden win, Latin Americans will have to fight with our own effort to move forward,” he said.

Today, before the press conference, the opposition deputy Luis Stefanelli denounced that on Tuesday afternoon there was a leak at the Amuay refinery, stating that the workers are “on high alert.”

In Venezuela, complaints from the population about difficulties in obtaining fuel are frequent, a situation that the Venezuelan government attributes to sabotage and the opposition says it is the result of incorrect policies, lack of investment and maintenance.
